Peaches & Movies

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One thing that was even worse than getting my gummy stash taken away by mom was the mortifying, embarrassing feeling you felt when eight pairs of deadly eyes were on you.

It was...terrifying.

I thought I had gotten used to Hudson's friends a while back but every year after they disappeared for summer break, I was back to square one with them.

I gulped, standing at the edge of the staircase in utter silence, not moving a muscle as they stared me down. The pain in my wounded thigh was aching dully as blood rushed to it.

I was not wanted after last time's events.

By last time I mean when I made them watch a live action Cinderella movie with me. Hudson almost killed me by the end of it.

Carter walked by me and placed the bowls on the glass coffee table, "Her mom forced her, stop staring at her like that you guys." When Seven stared even harder at me, Art smacked him on the head.

Hudson pushed himself off the counter of the bar, placing his drink on it before coming over to the couches, "Alright then. We were gonna watch a movie anyways."

I still stood frozen in my spot as I spotted Levi stretching with a yawn. He caught me staring and noticed where I was standing, "You can come down princess, we don't bite."

Seven's lips twitched at that and he watched me like a hawk as I shuffled up to the living room area, standing next to Hudson. My cheeks were heating up and my body temperature rose as I continued to feel his eyes on me. What was this foreign feeling?!

"Yo, Penny, what do you wanna watch?" Seven finally asked making me peek at him from behind Hudson's frame.

Nothing. Let me leave.

Levi looked over at Seven with a small glare, "...Yo?"

Seven rolled his eyes, "Shut up rich ass royalty."

Levi narrowed his eyes at Seven before letting out a sigh, "I told you I could teach you how to speak more...eloquently."

Seven groaned in annoyance and I knew right then and there that they had this same conversation millions of times. I've been a witness to it all.

"So Penelope, are you gonna choose?" Carter asked as he fished through the sea of movies on Netflix, ignoring Levi and Seven's bickering.

I looked at the tv screen and then at him. I was afraid to pick a movie they didn't like. Last time I did just that and landed myself in the pool.

"Don't ask her, she likes shitty movies," Hudson recalled as he grabbed the remote from Art and went straight to the thriller genre.

My face paled and I held onto my necklace for dear life. A heavy arm draped around my shoulders and I looked up at Seven's light grey eyes.

"Aw, don't tell me..." he studied my face for a second, his eyes darting between me and the tv.

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