Peaches & Riches

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thanks for reading my stupid story that barely has a plot line ily

Was it just me or was my life getting fairly worse as the days went by? Because it sure as hell seemed like I was getting stalked, bullied, and sneered at a lot more than usual. I spotted Levi and Jin talking to Carter by their lockers and quickly shuffled up to them, glancing behind me nervously. Gigi was just about to confront me with her broken face but I chickened out and made a beeline towards Jin. If he could protect Levi, he could protect me. We were a package!

...even though Levi would certainly disagree to that and deny he ever talked with a peasant like me.

His words not mine.

"Oh no, it's the girl who thinks it's okay to buy bootleg Gucci shirts," Levi stated causally as he eyed my shirt for a bit before a cute small yawn escaped his lips. I gasped and looked down at my shirt. How was I supposed to know it was fake?

"It's okay to buy fake stuff if nobody knows it's fake," Art said after shutting his locker and sending me a wink and a grin. I nodded my head in agreement, turning to Levi who switched to a really bored expression.

"His ruthless, inhumane Russian blood is gonna kick in..." Carter whispered to me.

Levi placed his phone in his pocket, a look of disdain suddenly overcoming his features when my shirt caught his eye yet again, "Gucci isn't even a good brand."

Carter rolled his eyes and grabbed his books, "It's hard being friends with someone so snobby. Isn't Gucci a high end brand?"

Levi looked absolutely offended, "You American kid. Gucci is trash and so are you."

Carter gave him his infamous sad face that melted my heart. I patted his back softly, "It's okay Carter, he says stuff like that to all of his four friends." It's crazy how he had more friends than me.

Carter smiled warmly, pinching my chubby cheeks for extra measure, "What would we do without you huh, you lil cutie pie?" Before I could reply he turned and glared at Levi, "Wait, you have an American citizenship..."

Levi blinked innocently and then shrugged, "And? I also have four more."

My jaw dropped. He had four citizenships?!

"You never even leave your house because you're lazy and spoiled, when did you get them all?" Carter sputtered.

Jin took a step forward just as a snickering Carter sprinted down the hallway towards his next class, not even looking back once. Levi glared at his retreating figure before looking back at me with a slow smile.

It wasn't a good hearted smile, oh no. When it came to Levi, his smiles were deceitful and villainous and were only fairly genuine when he had something to gain from it all.

"Who's the boy you were with yesterday?" He asked, tilting his head slightly to the side causing a strand of blonde hair to fall into his eyes.

I frowned a bit before lighting up, "Oh! You mean Tanner? He's in a few of my classes, I help him find his way around sometimes."

I've only known him for two days and he's already on my non existent friends list. He was really a breath of fresh air after having scary Jin, manipulative Levi, flirtatious Seven, and rude Hudson, as the boys in your everyday life. Carter didn't count. He was perfect.

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