Peaches & Problems

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"Aw come on dad, please?" I begged for the billionth time as my dad flipped through the documents on his desk. He shut the last file and finally looked up at me, his penetrating gaze that Hudson and Haze surely inherited from him staring at me calmly, "Penelope, how'd you get into my office?"

I blinked and looked back at the elevator, "...was that a trick question?"

He massaged his temples, muttering something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like 'God please help me." I gave him an innocent smile, waiting for his answer.

"Look, honey. I have three interviews, two meetings with very important clients, lunch with the ceo of our rivaling company, and only one of me."

When I just stared at him, he glared at me, "In other words, go bother your mother."

"But you're not even thinking about my idea. Mom at least said 'okay I'll think about it now go to sleep'," I babbled, my hands in the air.

I suddenly frowned as I thought back to that day. I'm pretty sure it was in the middle of the day when she told me to go to sleep...

Wow. I have lovely parents.

"Okay Penelope I'll think about installing an elevator in our house, now go before I call security," he said quite sarcastically, pointing at the elevator behind me.

I beamed, "Wow, awesome! Thanks dad I love you."

"I love you too," he replied and went back to his computer just as someone came in to escort me out of his office. Sheesh, I'm not gonna steal anything. Everything his was mine anyways.

"You seriously took an uber all the way to your dad's office to remind him about your elevator installation?!" My mom practically screeched as she tried not to lose her patience with me when I got home late that night.

"Mom, it was really bothering me. I had to go right after school to get it done," I reasoned, taking a small step back from her as she took in a deep breath.

"Penelope, your dad is busy. Don't bother him anymore alright?" She demanded, giving me a stern look. I quickly nodded my head, my eyes going over her shoulder to where Hudson was trying oh so hard not to let out his snickers.

She gave me one last look before heading back to her bedroom.

"Is it really nice walking up all those stairs? I'm sure an elevator would help," I mumbled in defeat, watching as she walked up the spiralling staircase quite smoothly.

"Hudson! You better start training her at the gym so she stops asking about that stupid elevator," my mom called down before disappearing down the hall.

I gasped dramatically.

I was not going to sweat for fun.


"Yeah, fuck that," I heard him mutter from behind me somewhere.

I looked over at Hudson who was currently pulling a black hoodie over his head. He grabbed his keys and headed to the front door. "Hey it's night time, where are you going?" I asked curiously, following him to the door.

I shall go to.

He raised an eyebrow at me, "It's night time so I can't go out?"

I frowned in contemplation, "Well...yeah. I mean, dad said I wasn't allowed to go out by myself at night."

He gave me a small smirk, "Don't think you and I have the same curfew."

"Well why not? We're both teenagers!"

He rolled his eyes and opened the front door, stepping out into the cool night air, "Goodnight Penny, see you tomorrow."

"Can I go? I wanna go."

He ignored me completely and walked over to his car.

"Can I go? I wanna go."

The car unlocked with a click and Hudson groaned in slight annoyance.

I stared at him expectantly.


"But I wanna have fun on a Friday night too," I mumbled dejectedly.

He raised a brow, "Who said I was gonna have fun?"


"My brain," I responded, pointing to it with my finger.

His eyes suddenly snapped up and he looked at the front yard behind me, confusion flickering across his features for a second. I turned around and glanced at the dark lawn before looking back at him with curiosity in my gleaming eyes, "What do you see?" I whispered.

Spirits of the underworld?

He licked his lips, eyes lingering a moment longer before he shrugged his shoulders and reverted his gaze back to mine, "Nothing. Go back inside when I leave."

I nodded with a bright smile.

His eyes narrowed slightly but he said nothing as he turned to get into his car.

"Sweet dreams," I wished him, watching as he shut the car door and pulled out of the driveway, zooming down the quiet street.

"Oh wait, you're not going to sleep, I am," I mumbled as I went back to the porch.

I was about to open the door and step inside when someone's cold hands suddenly covered my mouth to prevent me from screaming. I screamed anyway, panic coursing through my body as I struggled to get out of their grip.

I felt myself being dragged down the porch and into the driveway. Adrenaline surged through me as I realized what was happening. Is this how my crush was gonna ask me out?

Oh, good lord!

My mom was just a few feet away yet I couldn't even call out to her. Hot tears sprung from my eyes as I was shoved into a car. Before I could make anything out in the dark, a blindfold was placed across my eyes and I was gagged.

Oh holy peaches, I'm so gonna die.

I started to struggle till I felt something cold against my temple, "Move one more time and I'll decorate your room with your intestines."

I gulped, going very still.

"Pop goes the weasel," I heard a female voice say from the front causing someone to laugh.

Fear engulfed me. What if I was fed to the vultures after they were done murdering me?

What if...what if I never got to see my elevator get installed in my house?

Oh no.

Oh no, no, no.

"Hey, she's really still, we can't have her die just yet," a male's voice said just as someone pinched me really hard.

I shrieked and glued myself against the door, trying to get away from these horrible kidnappers as much as possible. The car came to a sudden halt after a while and I was immediately taken out. I blinked in confusion as I sniffed the atmosphere around me.

...a hint of smoke?


WHAT IS TJIS UGLY CHAPTER I am hoping all yall forgot the minor details this book contained nehehe

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