Peaches & Pools

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"What. The. Fuck." he muttered, narrowing his tired eyes at me.

"I want a boyfriend," I repeated.

He turned around to take his phone off the nightstand switching it on and squinting at the screen as he tried to make out the numbers against the brightness.

"I swear if that says what I think it says Penelope..." he trailed off, his voice pissed by the end of his sentence as he turned back around to shoot me a menacing glare.

"If it says two then yup, you're reading it awesomely," I responded cheekily.

"Out," he muttered as his head hit the pillows again, turning his back to me.

"But how come I can't get a boyfriend, Hudson?" I asked sadly, pulling at his blankets a bit.

"Can we talk about this when I'm fully awake?" He snapped, pulling his blankets away from me with a tug, the distinct aura of aggravation emanating from him even though his back was facing me.

Okay Penelope, leave!


I crawled onto his bed like I was Samara from the ring, silently sitting next to him as I watched him sleep like Edward from the Twilight sagas. A faint smile made its way onto my lips as I noticed how serene and unbothered Hudson seemed when he was free from this world.

I let out a small gasp, quickly hugging his torso, "No, I didn't mean death."

"Penelope." He grit from in between his teeth, snapping his murderous blue eyes open as he looked down at me. I stared at him innocent, my arm still around his torso, "Yeah?" I asked eagerly.

"Get the fuck off of my bed," his irritated sleepy voice went through one ear and out the other.

"I'm cold though," I tried to explain to him, liking the warmth his bed gave me.

Hudson's lips tightened, his jaw clenched as he got up into a sitting position, putting his warm hand against my forehead. I looked up at him lovingly causing him to glare right into my very soul, "Don't wrap yourself up if you have a fever." I nodded, my eyes still affectionate. His own narrowed into slits, "Stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Stop giving me that look."

I blinked, trying to change the look when he stood and got up from his bed without another word. "Where are you going?" I asked curiously, still sitting on his bed comfortably as I turned to watch him make his way towards the door.

"Sleeping somewhere else," his hand settled on the doorknob and he turned to give me a warning look, "Don't follow me, just sleep here."

I sniffled and then nodded sadly, watching as he left his bedroom.
I swear Hudson's face will stay with a permanent scowl if he lived around people for another year.

I stared at his pillows before laying down and grabbing the blankets, pulling it over my body and a few minutes later falling into a comforting, Hudson scented sleep with a content smile on my face.


"No mom I don't want a boyfriend."

"But why not?"

"Because I don't have a crush on anybody and every boy at my school is not...boyfriend material." I didn't even know what 'boyfriend material' meant.

"Sweetie, I want to see you happily in love before I die," she said folding her arms across her chest with a playful glare.

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