Haze & North

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I stood there awkwardly as Jolene continued explain to me why she needed Hudson as her mentor for her training lessons. I had no idea why she thought I could actually convince someone like him to do something he already set his mind to.

Jolene was acting way out of character. Usually she was calm and collected and never succumbed to people but today she was desperate. Mondays bring out the weirdest in people.

Jolene flattened down her crazy curls whilst popping gum in her mouth.

"You can come over my house and ask him again if you want," I suggested as we walked down the hallway towards our respective classes.

Jolene's eyes brightened, "Awesome! That sounds great, I'll be there."

I was about to respond when Jolene let out a gasp, stopping dead in her tracks. I looked up to see what she was looking at and I gasped as well.

A tall built looking guy came towards us, light hair, light eyes, and cute dimples plastered on his gentle face. He stopped in front of us and his smile grew, "Hi I'm kinda new here, do you know where class thirty-two B is?"

I squeaked and pushed an excited Jolene away, nodding my head eagerly, "Yes! Ye-" I stopped short, realizing that was a bit too energetic, "ahem, I mean uh, yeah. It's world history and it's right here."

I pointed at the door to our right causing him to rub his neck sheepishly, "Oh, now I look stupid."

I smiled at him, "I have history too right now."I hope I have a history with you!

"Awesome, maybe I'll sit next to you," he responded with a chuckle causing my heart to soar.

Wow, a boy who wasn't one of Hudson's scary friends was actually acknowledging me! I've never seen him before so he must be new or I must be dense.

"What's your name?" I asked as we took two empty seats next to each other, the whole entire class staring at the new kid in confusion and admiration.

"Tanner Bentley, and you?"

"Penelope Riecher, nice to meet you," I greeted, extending my hand for him to shake.

He smiled and shook it, his eyes lingering on me a little longer than necessary causing me to get slightly uncomfortable. Was that normal? Did guys usually do that when they first met someone? Was he judging me? Do I look ugly?

Millions of thoughts were running through my head as I sat down and waited for the class to start. More girls started coming up to him and asking him questions that I tuned out. Tanner Bentley. His name sounded nice.

A man walked through the glass doors of the huge skyscraper smack in the middle of NYC.

His confident strides and looks of authority had everybody nod their heads in respect towards him. His fit black suit screamed thousands as it defined his perfectly sculptured body, with his gold Rolex watch that kept track of every second. Walking towards the elevator he pushed number 47.

Nobody entered that elevator but him. A private elevator for him and whoever he gave permission to. He ran his hair through his unruly dark hair, a look of sleepiness taking over his sharp features.

Getting to the 47th floor, he stepped out. It brought him straight to his office. Floor to ceiling windows loomed ahead of him, overlooking New York's bright grandiose skyline. A large mahogany desk sat in front of it with folders, paperwork, and a touch screen computer.

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