Peaches & Gummies

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"I told you not to fucking talk to her," Hudson seethed, his eyes narrowing as his fist tightened against the collar of Dennis's shirt.

Dennis managed to push Hudson off of him with a smug look on his face, "Aw you mad bro? First Gigi and now your own sister." Oh shi- Something in Hudson snapped at that comment and he really swung that fist. The sheer force of it sent Dennis crashing into his car.

My eyes widened in horror and confusion as I quickly stood in front of a furious Hudson, pushing him back a bit, "Hudson, stop!"

He finally snapped his blue eyes over to mine and the amount of hatred in them honestly scared me to death, "Stay the fuck out of this Penelope."

"Whoa, calm down pretty boy," I heard Seven's neutral toned voice instruct calmly as he easily grabbed Hudson's fists seconds before he landed another punch on Dennis.

"I'm gonna kill you if you don't let me finish him off right now," Hudson threatened darkly with a glare aimed at Dennis.

Seven shrugged and pulled him back even further, "You need to calm down. I know you think he's trash but control it man."

His anger was now aimed at his friend, "Fuck you Parker."

Seven smirked but said nothing as Jin and Levi came up, looking at the scene before them. Levi looked like he was bored out of his mind and wanted to be entertained while Jin just looked...a million miles away.

Did they not care that a boy was bleeding in front of them?

I knelt down beside Dennis who was on the pavement in pain and went to help him up in a panciked state when Levi cleared his throat.

I glanced up to see him handing me a pair of gloves.

"Levi, he needs bandages not gloves," I informed him in confusion, looking back down at Dennis who was groaning a bit. My heart sank. I felt so bad for him it was hurting my insides. Why was Hudson so cruel to him?

Wait...didn't he say he wanted this?

Levi snorted, "I don't care what he needs. The gloves are for you if you're planning on touching him."

My jaw dropped, "Levi! Don't be mean."

Levi made a face at Dennis and went over to Hudson and Seven while Jin just stayed where I was. "I'm sorry Dennis, I really think your ideas are terrible," I mumbled, letting him put an arm around my neck as he slowly got up. Dennis let out a small chuckle.

Jin's dark eyes seemed to be looking through my very soul as I blew a strand of hair out of my mouth.

"Get your fucking hands off of her," Hudson snapped, trying to get past Levi who was now holding him back. Seven came up to me and pulled me away from Dennis, "Try not to piss off Hudson anymore. Dennis is a touchy subject with him."

Everybody was a touchy subject with a short fuse like Hudson.

"Seven he needs help, let me help him!"

"Shh, you worry too much babe. He's not even half dead," Seven stated serenely, kissing my nose.

"Unfortunately," I heard Jin mutter, his pink lips slightly twitching under the hoodie he was wearing. Jin always seemed to want people dead. It was terrifying to say the least. The rumors around him were so out of proportion but to be honest, they could be real.

I let out a small noise from the back of my throat and let them pull me away towards the field.

Hudson and his friends were cruel.

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