Peaches & Fevers

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It was definitely Hudson and Seven.

I held my breath, slowly picking up my feet so they didn't notice me. Was I in the freaking boy's bathroom? I covered my mouth in absolute horror, squeezing my eyes shut as I sent a prayer to the one up above.

Hudson is gonna kill me if he finds me in here.

"When is it again? I'll go if it's after nine," I heard Hudson's smooth voice say casually.

"Starts at one. Art's gonna be there so he should stick with you in case anything happens," Seven answered as they passed my stall.

"Carter is going...?" Hudson asked in disbelief.

"He'll be fine. Lev won't if Jin's not with him though."

Goodness gracious I cannot believe I just walked into the boy's bathroom! How was I supposed to get out without anybody noticing?

"He doesn't like watching street fights but he's so bored all the time he drags Jin over to them," Seven added with a snort.

"Think Ren will show up?" Seven asked.

I heard Hudson sigh as a tap turned on, "Hope not. Haze said this'll be the last street fight I'll go to and then he'll send his guys in for the next one."

"Sounds good."

A sharp pain suddenly shot through my abdomen again causing me to let out the smallest squeak accidentally. Stupid gut. If I could see them, I'm pretty sure they turned their heads towards the noise I made because it became really quiet.

"...that sounded like a girl," Hudson muttered suspiciously, walking straight over to the stall I was in. My face paled as he knocked on the door.

"I'm gonna die," I whispered in fear causing Hudson to stop knocking.


Oh peaches I said that out loud didn't I.

Maybe if I just pretend he didn't say-

"Penny, I heard you. What are you doing in there?" Hudson asked, mirth in his tone.

"I'm....using the bathroom," I answered in a small voice, staring at the door like it was gonna eat me.

"Penny's in there?" I heard Seven ask with an amused chuckle.

Hudson sighed, "Get out, it's only us."


I slowly opened the door, looking up at my older brother with a sheepish smile.

He raised an eyebrow and stepped back so I could get out. Seven was standing next to the sinks, trying hard not to grin as I made my way to the exit in absolute embarrassment.

This was the walk of shame.

I made it out to the empty hallway and let out a sigh, deciding to head to my locker to get some advil. I'm surprised Hudson and Seven didn't interrogate me. They just let me go.

I spoke too fast.

Someone grabbed my wrist and I turned to see Hudson, his brows furrowed, "What's the matter?"

I shook my head, "Nothing, I thought that was the girl's bathroom."

Hudson suddenly smirked, "It was."

My jaw dropped causing him to roll his eyes, "That was a joke."

He let go of my wrist and walked away with Seven after realizing nothing was wrong with me. I walked through the hallway and quickly got out of the school building to get some fresh air before. Sighing in relief, I took in a whiff of the clean air surrounding me.

The rustle of the trees against the cool breeze and the shining sun set the mood for me. My head started throbbing again, making me feel faint and slightly dizzy. I was getting hot so I felt my forehead to see if I was coming up with a flu or something.

Nope it didn't feel like it.

I sat on the grass in the football field, closing my eyes for a little bit longer to get some peace but the jocks came out to practice so I slowly got up to go sit somewhere else with a groan.

"Princess, what may be the cause to your anguish?"

I turned and watched as Levi came up to me, a light smile on his beautiful face as Jin stood a few feet behind him, as he always did. He was decked out in a button up and slacks with a belt and a jacket around his shoulders hanging casually.

I smiled warmly as he delicately curled a lock of my hair around his slender finger, his brilliant eyes on mine as he waited for a response.

"I just feel kinda sick," I replied, rubbing my nose a bit.

He stopped twirling his finger around my hair, "Headache?"

"Yup," I answered and he nodded, guiding me over to a lone bench and sitting me down. "I know you don't like pills but Tylenol will work," Levi suggested as he placed his jacket on the bench before sitting down on it himself, blowing a strand of bright blonde hair out of his face.

"I'll let it go itself," I decided, pulling my knees up and placing me cheek on it, my face towards Levi. I watched in mild interest at every move he made from glancing at the scenery before us to fiddling with his cuffs or talking to Jin.

I blinked, not understanding why his movements were so sophisticated, precise, and dignified like he was raised as a prince from a far away kingdom. My eyes lit up at the thought, "Say Levi, are you of royal blood?"

He flickered his eyes over to mine, amusement sparkling in them as his pink lips twitched, "What makes you make such a claim?"

"Your um, gestures and...aura..." I motioned with my hands at him in general, hoping he knew what I was talking about.

He gave me a disingenuous smile, brushing the tips of his fingers across my forehead gracefully, "You must have a bad fever..."

I frowned and felt my forehead, not feeling anything at all. Was he not denying it?

"I think your touches are blessed," I informed him with a grin, a certain calm overcoming me ever since he'd sat next to me to keep me company.

"You should be honored. Not many get to feel my touch," he stated smoothly, pulling out a pair of expensive looking sunglasses from his pocket.

When he said stuff like that, it didn't even feel cocky because of the way he carried his words elegantly with so much poise. I sniffed with a nod and pulled my hair back, tying it into a high ponytail, my headache slowly fading but signs of a fever surfacing.

"Why are you here?" I asked in a small voice, my body exhausted from doing nothing all day.

Levi wasn't one to just hang around people without a purpose. This was essentially a major waste of his time. I glanced over at Jin who didn't seem to make a single move, the only sign telling me that he was alive were his eyes.

"You're going to faint," he informed me nonchalantly like what he just said was normal.

My eyes widened, "A-are you gonna knock me out?"

He gave me an incredulous look, "No, Penelope. I'm waiting for you to faint naturally."

I gave him an incredulous look back, "Wha- how do you know I'm gonna faint?"

He smiled cunningly, head titled slightly to the side, "Isn't it obvious?"

I was opened my mouth to speak but my vision suddenly blurred and my body wobbled. The last thing I caught was Levi's angelic face blurring into oblivion.

Levi Mikhail caught Penelope before she fell to the grass, his arm around her chest as he pulled her up again. Jin came around and Levi gave her to him, a yawn escaping his lips as he stood up and stretched a bit, placing his sunglasses over his eyes as they walked away.



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