Peaches & Games

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For some reason, Art's hoodie was in my room so I decided to wear it.

"Penny, you're drowning in that thing," my mom said with her arms folded as she watched me waddle around the living room like a penguin. "I personally think it suits my figure," I stated daintily, picking up a chocolate from the coffee table.

We heard the front door slam shut and a few minutes later Hudson walked by. I saw him give me a bored uninterested glance before disappearing but a few seconds later he reappeared. Plopping a chocolate in my mouth, I realized they were better than I thought they would be and stuffed a whole bunch in my pocket all while looking at my mom in case she noticed.

She didn't.

"Penny, give Art's hoodie back he has a game today," Hudson ordered before disappearing down the hall again. Oh right. This pristine white hoodie that said Boston University on it in red font was his lucky hoodie.

I gasped and took it off, folding it nicely.

"There! That's more your size," my mom commented approvingly as she walked out of the living room to go nag Hudson I bet. Hudson why didn't you do this? Hudson why are you so depressing? Hudson why's there always a black cloud of rain right on top of your head? Hudson take the garbage out! The last one she did just to piss him off even though she denies it.

I thought back to what that Jeta, Dante, and Red Lady said when we were in the car a few nights back. Were they really gonna decorate my room with my intestines? Ren would definitely decorate someone's intestines on his stinking walls judging by what his people did to me that day. That made my stomach churn.

My brows furrowed.

Who was Ace really? Was she involved somehow?

"A mystery to be solved!" I fist pumped, heading towards the kitchen where Hudson was. I almost tripped and fell on my way towards him but thanks to my super quick reflexes and awesome reputation, I withheld my balance like a true person of prestige.

Shut up.

You shut up.

I am you.

"Here, tell him it's been washed," I proclaimed proudly, placing the hoodie in Hudson's hands.

"You know, when I came back that night you weren't here..." he trailed off, studying my facial features intently.



He glared.

"Uh, one time I ate a textbook."

"You went out?" He translated, his eyes narrowing.

What, how...?

"Penny, what if Ren is watching us and-" Hudson stopped short, a look of surprise overcoming his features before he blocked it off, "Is that when..." he glanced down at my thigh, his eyes clouding over.

"I'm calling Haze," Hudson muttered more to himself, finality in his tone.


"She went out?" Mom asked in surprise as she walked in, feeling my forehead.

Hudson shut his mouth. The subject of Ren always brought tears to her eyes and gave her panic attacks. Why? I didn't know. I didn't even know anything about this Ren dude except that he was to be avoided at all costs.

"Nope, she doesn't have a fever," she mumbled, tying her black hair into a high bun.

"Where?" Hudson asked, staying vague so my mom didn't suspect anything.

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