Peaches & Misses

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"Hey Peaches, looking for some adventure tonight?"

No. Not with you.

Hudson glared at Seven, "Last time you took her to a tattoo parlor you dumbass."

Seven shrugged, "It was necessary."

I put a strand of hair in between my lips and pursed them, my eyes darting around the empty park we were in. The sun was setting and it was getting a little cool out.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and blew the strand of hair out of my mouth as I looked up at Seven. There was a moment of silence before my cheeks started to heat up. The stupid strand of hair was sticking to my face!

I cleared my throat and removed it with my fingers, avoiding Seven's humored look.

"Did you drool all over your hair again?" He asked with a snicker.

"Again?" Hudson repeated.

"No, this has never happened before! And I was just chewing my hair nervously," I defended, crossing my arms over my chest as I stared at the empty parking lot meekly.

Seven's brows pulled together, "Why are you nervous?"

"Because instead of being at home, safe in my bed, I'm with you two. Isn't that a bit ironic? The two worst guys to hang out with because all they ever attract is danger! They go out at midnight for fun and probably do illegal stuff behind my back as well. All that and Hudson thinks it's safer for me to be with him than at home?!" I let out in one breath, delivering my thoughts with very dramatic hand gestures as well.

Hudson processed all this for a second before narrowing his eyes at me. He grabbed my chin and tilted it upwards, a dark look on his features, "We attract danger...?" When I blinked at him in response he straight up glared at me, "Who's the one who always has someone after their ass? Is it Seven and I or is it little Penelope, huh?"

I gulped and glanced over at Seven who sighed and grabbed Hudson by the shoulder, pulling him back a bit. "Hudson, that's not her fault," he reasoned, raising a brow at him when Hudson instead directed his glare towards him.

"I don't care."

"Wow, so mature of you."

"Why are you taking her side," Hudson muttered, putting some distance between the two of them.

"She's younger than you and a lot more nicer. Also this is Penny we're talking about, I'll always take her side," he stated simply.


Seven rolled his eyes at his normal Hudson like behavior and instead looked down at me with a smile, "You really do have some lovely brothers. Very interesting and...unique."

I gave him a small smile in return while Hudson just rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Why...thank you."

He nodded and glanced at his phone, "Levi sure is taking his time."

"I'm going home," Hudson stated blankly as he turned but Seven grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"What?" He challenged Seven with a look in his eye.

"What do you mean what? We waited here for thirty minutes you might as well wait for another five or so," he justified.

Hudson stayed silent causing Seven to smirk a bit, "Did the ticking time bomb rewind itself?"

"You fu-" Seven caught Hudson's balled up fist with his other hand, a laugh escaping his lips, "Guess not."

I let out an involuntary snicker causing both of them to snap their heads towards me. Seven's grip on Hudson tightened and he gave me a nod, "I won't let him go, you can laugh away."

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