Peaches & Jin

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The walk towards my bedroom with Jin by my side was probably the scariest thing I've ever been through. First cannibals and now silent killers. He was a great guy to be around when real cannibals came about though...

He didn't seem to notice me staring at him as we walked -or so I thought- so I continued to stare, unaware of the fact that I was in his peripheral vision.

"Is my face that interesting to you?" He asked after a moment without even glancing over at me as we walked up the first set of stairs.

I let out a small gasp.

He spoke.

The unspeakable has spoken!

I didn't trust myself to answer that question so I let out a small, barely noticeable laugh, hoping to god he didn't crush me to death with his muscular biceps. I needed to stop being so paranoid. He'd saved my life on multiple occasions in the past and all I had was gratitude towards him.

My thoughts went back to Carter so I could keep my mind busy. I wonder who the girl was. I think hickeys meant that you liked someone a lot. How were they made? I glanced up at Jin's sharp features.

...I think he knew who the girl was. Jin knows all.

We got to the second floor and the silence was killing me as we walked down the long hallway towards my bedroom.



Don't say it Pennny, don't-

"I think you kill people," I blurted, my hands automatically shooting to my mouth in terror.

Three, darn it!

He finally looked over at me, his dark eyes practically penetrating through mine,'"You don't say?"

My eyes widened and I grabbed the doorknob of my door, ready to run in and slam it in his face.

I knew he was a killer!

"Oh peaches," I whispered in fear as my heart beat hard against my poor ribcage. He was totally advancing slowly and it was giving me a heart attack.

He placed his hands in his pockets and stared me down with my back glued against the door, "Do you know how many I've killed?"

"T-twenty one," I stuttered.

His lips quirked ever so slightly, "Add three zeroes after that and maybe you'd be correct."

I couldn't tell if he was joking or serious.

He watched in interest as my face lost its color. My hands fell to my side and tears pooled at my waterline.

"P-please don't kill me," I pleaded, wondering where his knife was. Jin and knives were like peanut butter and jelly.

He placed the palm of his hand right by the side of my face, putting pressure on the door behind me as he lowered his head to stare directly at me with complete seriousness in his dark, pitch black eyes, "I don't kill, Penelope. I torture."

My breath hitched.

"Till they die."

Was he joking? Was he serious?

I was about to let out a terrifying scream when his pitch black eyes narrowed in warning. My mouth hung open post scream.

He kicked my door lightly with his combat boot and the door opened as he pulled his hand back to his side. His eyes flickered around my room for a nanosecond before he looked down at me. A small, humorless smirk curled at the tip of his lips and then dropped, "Sleep tight, tiger."

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