Peaches & Yoga

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My eyes were unable to look away from his as he blinked.

Then he cursed.

"Shit. Why didn't you tell me before?" He asked in slight frustration, pulling me up gently so I was now sitting.

My body heated up, "W-What? That's embarrassing!"

He gave me an unamused look, "You'd rather hurt yourself than tell me something like that?"

I bit my lip, shaking my head a bit. My cramps seemed to be getting worse by the second and I held back the pain as I looked at the cement floor. I squeezed my eyes shut and bent over my stomach for some comfort.

"Oh god, it hurts so much," I choked, my eyes watering.

Jin got up and I heard him rummaging through his duffel bag. I heard the sound of pills and his footsteps coming back towards me.

He sat down beside me and gave me a painkiller and my bottle of water. I thanked him and put the pill in my mouth, flushing it down with water. I peeked over at Jin who was staring at me intensely.

"W-what?" I mumbled, completely mortified by what was taking place.

He tilted his head to the side a bit, "Nothing. Sometimes I forget you're a woman."

My lips parted in horror. Were my boobs that small? And that obviously wasn't a compliment! My cheeks flushed pink at his comment.

I seriously needed a boob job and a new personality that was less innocent and Sexy? I don't know.

My stomach started to calm down already even though there was the slight dull pain that seemed to stay no matter what I did.

"I-I can get a boob job," I stammered offendedly, placing my arms over my chest.

Jin smirked, "That's not what I meant by that but okay."

My brain was becoming more aware of the fact that Jin's dark eyes were still on me as the pain subsided. Hudson was right, Jin was really patient. I shifted a bit under his gaze and his lips twitched. He knew he made me uncomfortable.


"Feeling any better?" He asked causally, brushing away strands of dark hair that fell into his eyes.

I nodded in confirmation, biting my lower lip with a wince just as a small pang of a cramp hit my stomach again. It wasn't as painful as before but it still hurt.

Jin sighed and motioned for me to lay on my back again.

"You know, the right kind of exercise can actually relieve...menstrual cramps," Jin cleared his throat as I held in a giggle.

He just said menstrual cramps! Haha...

I'm such a kid.

" just said-"

"Shut up before I kill you."

I gulped.

"It can?" I asked instead, my brows furrowing at this newly obtained knowledge.

"Yes. Resting can make it worse in fact," he answered, pulling my legs so they laid flat on the yoga mat.

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