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The second day for a little bit Clay got to know everyone a bit more except all the contortionists. This was gonna be fun...

The blonde walked towards the group of contortionists, George wasn't there "Hey guys."

"Hello, nice to meet you" One of them said, and had lighter soft brunette hair. Freckles, and seemed nice.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Karl" Karl gave him a smile as he shook Clays hand "I hope the circus is treating you well, clearly it's a difference from all the rich people meetups and stuff."

"Not really a difference, but it's a experience I'm glad to be joining in on."

"Where's George?" Clay asked, he hasn't seen him all day...

"No clue, probably panicking somewhere" Another contortionist said "Hi, I'm Skeppy."

"Nice to meet you, and why would George be panicking?" Clay asked.

"Because one of our best contortionists Niki ended up in crutches last week from falling really high,"

"And now George has to fill in for her, cause he's the second best" Skeppy said, I'm guessing this guys doesn't like George that much...

"Not to mention he has a really hard part" Karl said.

"Pfft- I bet I could do better" Skeppy said, I'm sure you could.

George came out looking at them, he rolled his eyes "Talking smack about me again Skeppy, how bold of you?"

He put some powder on his hands and got ready. The brunette stepped onto the platform...

Skeppy booed and George nodded his head at him, and hummed in response "Okay, I see how it is Skeppy."

George started to do a back bend but his head ended up between his feet, his head rested on top of his hands as he looked at Skeppy "If I recall you can't do this Skeppy."

"So what it's not normal to bend your body in half" Skeppy said "Besides you body is like a spaghetti noodle."

"Well" George stood back up "We're not normal, we're far from normal. For gods sake we get paid to look like clowns."

"And that's the whole point of being a contortionist" George exclaimed.

George grabbed the hoop next to him and sat onto it and he swung around. Clay looked at him.

"Why don't you tell me something about yourself George?" Clay asked "Since you think you can do everything."

"Well I can do things everyone else can't."

"It's crazy his body is practically like jello" Karl said "Show him a trick."

"I-" George said.

"George let's practice your part" Nick said "Great idea Karl."

George smiled at Karl like he was gonna kill him, and he walked towards Nick.  Pretending is okay, but really it wasn't...

Music started playing. The hoop slowly came down and George got into it and spun around, eventually he sat on the top of the hoop as he got higher. He rose up and put his arms up and fell backwards and he hung upside down on the bottom of the hoop. The hoop gracefully spun around the brunettes back arced as his hands reached the bottom of the hoop. George fell backwards and he hanged from the hoop. His legs went inside the hoop and out. His legs went in the hoop and hugged it and stood on the hoop and went in circles.

The music got more tense, Karl looked at Bad "Help me grab the mat, he won't make it."

Clay watched Karl and Bad stand up and grabbed a big inflatable mat they dragged it under George, they stepped aside and watched. George went inside the hoop and out, and the hoop dropped lower. The brunette reached the bottom of the hoop and went inside then out, and the hoop went lower. He did the same thing again, but it was different. The hoop rose really high up, but before he grab onto the hoop he fell straight towards the mat. The music ended.

"You got further today then yesterday" Nick clapped.

"But I still sucked" George sat up on the mat and his hands ran through his hair.

"You still did good" Bad gave him a smile.

Karl and Bad gave him a hand off the mat, and George jumped off of it. Nick walked towards them.

"Everyone gather around!" Nick shouted.

Everyone was towards Nick, but Clay stood off by the side but still listening...

"Okay we have a show tomorrow at 5pm, it's not our big show that's a month from now" Nick said "A regular show, so everyone be prepared."

"I want everyone here by 3pm tomorrow."

"If you look up there me and Clay are gonna be watching the show from there" Nick said as he pointed a certain direction which has a few chairs.

"We all know how to bring on a show, so make it one of the best for Clay since it would be his first."

"Please, you don't have to" Clay said.

"Take it as a warm welcome" Nick said "Now everyone scatter, get some rest."

Everyone went their separate ways leaving Nick and Clay alone "Mr Taken, are you doing anything this evening?"

"Not that I recall, so no I am not."

"Well, would you like to go out for a drink?" Nick asked "Just a chat between the two managers."

"Sure let me grab my coat" Clay said.

30 minutes later...

The two sat by side "So what drink are you going for Mr. Taken?"

"Hmm how about a whiskey, and please just call me Clay" Clay said.

"Done" Nick knocked on the counter and snapped to get the bartender's attention "Two shots of whiskey."

The bartender sat down two shot glasses and poured the whiskey inside, Clay then looked at Nick "Am I really cut out for the circus?"

Nick laughed which made Clay jump "Think about this."

"When I first met you, at your old workplace, you were this rich man with passion" Nick said "And if I'm correct you have been to a circus before?"

"But I was very little."

"Still, and what was your reaction to it?" Nick asked.

"My mother said I adored it" Clay said.

"Exactly!" Nick said "I know you have performed before, and set up performances."

"I've been learning about you Clay, and you have quite the talent" Nick said "So let me ask you a question."

"Do you think you are cut out for the circus?" Nick asked, he grabbed his glass and took a shot.

Clay thought about it and drunk his shot of whiskey, he sat the glass down and roamed his hand through his hair "So how much percent of the show are we talking?"

"Haha!" Nick yelled as he clapped "Bartender, another round of whiskey please."

"How about 10 percent?" Clay asked "That isn't that much."

Nick whistled "Thats way out of my league."

"Thirty percent."

Clay looked at him "You really want me to be apart of this show of yours?"

"It could be ours" Nick said.

"Fine, thirty percent."

The bartender brought out another round of whiskey and Nick grabbed his glass...

"I'll drink to that" Nick said, Clay grabbed his glass and the glasses hit together making a little noise.

"Cheers" Clay said.

The drank their own glass of whiskey in agreement...

1212 words :)

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