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⚠️swear words, mentions with not taking medication⚠️

Today was the day...

The show of a lifetime...

Clay was passed out in his bed, he had a rough time sleeping last night he woke up this morning until he took a long nap. The blonde planned to meet George few minutes before the show. His bedroom and slammed open.

"Wake up you've been sleeping for so long god damn Clay!" Drista yelled.

The blonde woke up "Huh? What time is it?"

"It's about to be 5" Drista said.

"5? I was supposed to meet George."

He realized and ran out of bed "Fuck!"

He started getting undressed "No no no, he's gonna think- fuck!"

He put of his button up long sleeve shirt and tie and changed his pants "Clay slow your roll!"

"No I can't!" Clay yelled.

"Clay!" Drista said.


"What Drista!" Clay yelled as he rushed.

"Your voice!"

Looks like his nap made his voice a lot better, he hadn't even realize it...

"Good but I don't care, I need to see George!" Clay said.

Once he was fully dressed his put on his jewelry and rushed past Drista sliding down the rail on the stairs. He put of his dress shoes and checked the time.

The show was about to start...


George had checked the time, he didn't come...

Tears formed in his eyes and he immediately wiped them and saw the crowd, it was bigger than ever before. There was no sign of Clay...

"Your stressed, what's wrong?" Karl asked.

"I just- thought he'd be here by now" George said.

"He can barely talk George" Karl said.

"But he still would be here, Clay cares about this place a lot" George said "Or I thought he did."

"He does care about this place George, maybe he's running late just around this times the roads are getting blocked cause of todays show" Karl said.

"True, but it's not often for Clay to run late."

"Well you never know, I'm sure he'll be here soon" Karl said "Either way Nick is the showman."

"But Clay- he's better" George said "He fits the role like Nick used to, Nicks getting older while Clay is still in his twenties."

"What you think Nick is gonna break his back?" Karl chuckled.

"No- and I'm not saying this cause I'm dating Clay I just think he would be better now."

"Remember when you first met him, you despised him and loved Nick" Karl said.

"I still like Nick but in a few years he might retire, and Clay does own this building so why not make it his?"

"Well I don't know, we gotta get going though" Karl said.

"Shows starting."

George looked around quickly and shook his hands with a sigh, where are you Clay?


The blonde was speeding yet responsible in the roads he almost cursed at every red light. After a red light turned green the car in front of him wasn't moving.

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