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⚠️swear words⚠️

The brunette woke up from the sun coming through the curtains. Turing his head to the left there was Clay, shirtless. He was sleeping on the side facing George, with his hand bent underneath his head. Dirty blonde strands of hair covered his face and the brunette smiled.

George's hand helped move the hair strands behind the males ear. He stared at him for a bit until and stood up from the bed. George kept on the hoodie Clay offered him and he kept his sweatpants on, he quickly unplugged his phone and grabbed it.

Few steps towards the door and brunette grabbed the handle and looked down, but he turned his head to look at the blonde "See you eventually Clay."

He opened the door and carefully closed it behind him, George looked at Clays little walls with photos. There were photos of Clays mom, him and Drista, and he noticed a photo of himself and Clay. He chuckled to himself "He's crazy."

George then left the house and walked back to his house, as he watched the sky turn into day...

15 minutes later...

He opened the door with his key and there was Niki on the couch with her favorite plushie, watching tv. She looked to the side and sprinted from the couch and hugged George...

"Hi, are you okay?" Niki asked "I'm so sorry, I was worried."

George was shocked but he hugged her back "Calm down, now hi."

"You okay?" Niki asked "I was worried."

George nodded his head "I'm okay, I was at Clays for the night."

"Okay" Niki said with a smile on her face "I'm happy for you."

"Thanks, and tell Karl I'm not my sad at him it just was unexpected."

"Wait why can't you-" Niki said "Oh shit I forgot todays the day, wait when's your flight?"

"Around 1, so I got about five hours left" George said.

"Okay, did you already pack?"

"Yep, I'm good the go" George said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, and yeah I'll tell Karl" Niki said "He is really sorry."

"I know, we've known Karl for a while" George said.

"Anyways I'm glad your home" She kissed George's cheek in a friendly way "Wanna watch tv?"

"Hell yeah, what we gonna watch?" George asked.

"You pick" Niki said.

6 hours later...

Niki arrived at the circus "Hey."

"Hi, perfect timing we were just about to start going everyone's part" Clay smiled and Niki.

"Okay, sorry I was really late todays the day."

"What do you mean todays the day?" Clay asked.

"Oh you don't know?" Niki said.

"You don't know?" Karl asked.

"Know what?" Clay asked.

"Around this time of month every year George goes to Europe to be with his family, cause this week is the week-"

"That's his parents died" Clay said "That makes sense, he should've told me."

"It takes time to learn about George's family, even if your you know" Niki said then whispered "Dating him."

"You'll find out, it takes time" Karl said "More than you think."

He nodded in understanding "Okay."

"Trust me, be patient with him and you'll be the luckiest man in the world."

He chuckled "Okay."


George was on his plane, he had been for the past hour but there were many more to go...

He checked his phone, he wanted to message Clay but he didn't know what to say. What should I even start with?

Oh I'm sorry that I left your bedroom and went on a plane to Europe, that isn't gonna cut it...

He's probably pissed at me right now...

He felt his phone vibrate in his hand and he looked down at it, it was a text message. He opened it and the look of shock filled his face...

Why is Clay messaging me?

He tapped on the contact and read the message carefully, it was short not long as he thought...

'Save travels <3' The blonde sent to him, the brunette smiled.

He looked from the window and it was beautiful outside, he had to to take a picture. Immediately unlocking his phone going to the camera app he placed his phone near the window...

Once the photo and had taken he sent it to the blonde, with a message...

'Thank you, I'm sorry when it comes around to be this time of the year I don't talk about it often'

George turned off his phone and looked out the window yet again, he sighed. Another text message had appeared on his phone from the blonde...

'No need to say sorry, I understand why you didn't wanna talk about it'

A message was sent after that...

'You don't ever have to say sorry for something like that, I'm an understanding type of guy I'm not a jerk like some other guys'

George looked at the screen reading the messages carefully, a single tear dropped from his eye...

Is is normal to miss someone this fast?

George then typed again...


The blonde was sitting on the bench in the circus, looking at his phone. He saw the three dots waiting for the next message...

'You don't deserve to love a guy like me, truly'

Clays scoffed "Lier."

'Your wrong, only if I could see you right now I would so prove it'

George started typing...

'I miss you already'

Clay smiled and typed yet again 'I miss you also, I hope you have fun on your trip'

'Thanks' The brunette typed back.

The blonde saw George type 'I love you'

'I love you too George'

Clay typed back...

934 words :)

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