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⚠️swear words⚠️

The house was all cleaned up and the female was on the couch while the brunette was sitting down at the island table.

Their was a ding on Dristas phone "See he's okay George."

The female showed George a text message Clay sent her, the brunette read it...

"I'm okay I'll be back home soon, I'm doing something and tell George I'm fine cause I'm sure he's probably freaking out" George read in his head.

"Damn he knows me good" George said.

"See, he's okay."

1 hour later...

It was slightly late Drista was upstairs, she said she was gonna take a nap. The brunette was on the couch wearing one of Clays hoodies...

George heard the front door unlock with the loud beep, he sat up and ran off couch "Clay?"

"Hey" Clay said as he dropped a backpack onto the floor "I brought you some clothes from your house."

"Thank you for that but" George said as he walked toward him "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine" Clay wiped a tear from his eye.

"Come here" George hugged him and the blonde hugged him back tightly as he cried into his shoulder.

They hugged for a long time during it the brunette tried to comfort the blonde "I'm here, it's okay."

The brunette moved so he can see the blondes face he wiped his tears and kissed him "It's okay."

Clay lifted his shirt up so he could wipe his tears, and he nodded "Okay."

"Go change your clothes into something comfortable, but be quiet Drista is sleeping" George said.

He nodded and went upstairs and quickly changing his clothes into something comfy...

10 minutes later...

"He's really taking his time?" George said to himself "I'm gonna check on him."

He walked up the stairs the see the blonde doing pull ups on his door "Seriously?"

"Yep" Clay said doing pull ups.

"Clay you should relax" George said "We could just relax on the couch, and watching something."

He then stopped and kissed him "Okay love, you pick though I always pick."

"But I hate picking."

"Fine, I'll pick them" Clay smiled.

"Did you just call me love a minute ago?" George asked.

"Yep" Clay said and went downstairs "Also by the way I have a surprise for you tomorrow."

"You do now?" George asked.

"Yep, after practice at the circus though."

George nodded his head and jumped onto the couch and laid down "I never realized how comfy this couch was."

Clay laughed as he climbed on top of him and kissed him "Hi."

"Hello to you too" George said.

Clay laid his head on George's lap and the brunette played with his golden hair strands, the blonde giggled "That fees nice."

The brunette giggled with him a bit then stopped, and was quiet...

The blonde looked up at him "You okay?"

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