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⚠️swear words, alcohol⚠️

The blonde was hanging out with everyone, having a blast. He sat by the brunette on the floor by choice, but the brunette wasn't there. George and Niki went to buy beer for the adults and juice boxes for the minors like Tommy and Tubbo.

Once they came back the brunette gave the whole box of juices boxes to the minors, and handed beers to those who wanted one. Once he was done passing the stuff out he grabbed himself a beer and opened it and sat back in his hoop.

He took at sip of his "Oh George we forgot a bottle opener."

"Hold this" He gave his beer to Clay, and he stood up.

"Allow me" George said and Niki gave him her beer "I found out I can do this a few days ago."

"So don't yell at me if I'm a bit bad" George said.

The brunette put his thumb on the edge of the cap and the side of the teeth on the other side, and he opened it.

He tossed the cap in the trash next to them and gave the beer to Niki "Here you go."

"Jeez George" Niki said.

He laughed "Want me to open yours Clay?"

"By all means" The blonde gave George his beer.

George simply opened it the same way and gave it back to the blonde, then he opened Karl's...

"And you found this out a few days ago?" Karl asked.

He nodded "It kinda just happened."

George took a sip of his beer and he heard the blonde talk "Well you seem to be a pro at it."

"Well obviously it took practice, but yeah."

"Now if I ever forget a bottle opener, I know who to call" Clay chuckled and took a sip of his beer.

"Yeah, most of the time I ain't doing shit" George said.

"That is true Clay, just hit 'em up I'm sure he'll be there" Niki said.

"Will do" Clay said.

"How has your family been the past few days with everything?" Niki asked.

"My dad care but doesn't because he's too pissed at me at the moment, like always. But Drista is hanging in there still sad about it but she's not like a wreck" Clay explained to them.

"And you?" George asked.

"The first few days not the best, but I'm doing better I would say" Clay said.

"But I know I took it worse then the other two I would say, but I'm doing better."

"That's good" Karl said.

"Any word on Nick?" Clay asked.

"Nope, I've seen him a few times though" George said.

"Damn, how many years has he worked here?"

"God when this place first opened, Niki how long have you been here?" George asked.

"At least 6 to 7 years" Niki said.

"Yeah at least 7 years, he started two weeks before Niki" George said.

"If it's that long Im sure he'll be back" Clay said.

"I don't know."

"I'll get him back, I'm good at persuading people" Clay said.

"Not better than me" George said.

Clay scoffed "Shut up."

"Sorry I'm only speaking facts" George said "But that's fine, believe what you want."

The blonde rolled his eyes and the brunette stood up "Im gonna see what everyone else is doing."

"Okay" Niki said "We'll be here."

George stood up and left and Niki looked at Clay "You two are cute."

"What?" Clay said.

"You know what I mean, I know what happened after that performance" Niki said.

"What performance?" Karl said "What happened Clay?"

"I- it's better you don't know" Clay said.

"I think it is though" Niki whispered to Clay, then she whispered something in Karl's ear.

Clay saw Karl's jaw drop "Seriously?"

The blonde nodded in embarrassment "Yeah."

"I'm not that shocked, I expected it" Karl said.

"I'm sorry, what?" Clay said.

"The way you guys smile to each other or talk, you can easily see something's there" Karl said.

"It's obvious Clay" Niki said.

Clay chugged a bit of his beer "Jeez Clay, what up with you?"

Clay knew it was George and he looked at Niki and Karl "Nothing, nothing at all."

"Okay then" George sat down on the hoop.

"Ooo I have a game we should play" Karl said.

"Which is?" George asked.

"Truth or dare."

Clay looked at Karl "I don't know about that one."

"Why not?" Niki asked.

"Bad history from previous days" Clay said.

"Well we aren't in high school anymore, so what do you say?" George asked "It can't be that bad."

"Fine, I'll play."

Karl smiled "I'll start, truth or dare Niki."


"Okay, when was the last time you lied to someone?" Karl asked.

"Eh at least a week ago, but it was a simple lie."

Karl nodded, and Niki looked at Clay "Truth or dare Clay?"

He sighed "Dare."

"Interesting, okay I dare you to race Zak around this whole circus two times downstairs only so we can see you two" Niki said.

Clay put down his beer and stood up, he took off his black flannel and sat it down where he was sitting "Hey Zak."

"Yeah, what's up?" Zak said.

"Wanna race?" Clay asked.

"Where?" Zak said.

"Just around the circus, two times back and forth" Clay said "Pretty simple if I say so myself."

"Okay, bet" Zak stood up "I'm sure I'll beat you."

"If you say so yourself, you know what I'll even let you get a head start" Clay walked to the end of the circus.

"No need for that, I wanna beat you the fair way."

Clay stretched his arms out "Mhm, okay. Niki count down please."

Zak and Clay got ready "On your marks."

"Get set" Niki said.


The brunette watched the two run right now they were tied until Clay stepped up a bit, people were cheering on Clay and people was cheering for Zak...

George was secretly cheering on for Clay...

They both did their first back and forth, and the started their second with Clay still in the lead by a bit. Zak then increased his running so he was now ahead once they turned around to run back it was a close one. In the end Clay got ahead and won...

"I win" Clay said.

"No, no, no go again" Zak said.

"There's no need for that, I won fair in square" Clay said as he moved his hair out of his face with his fingers.

He stretched his arms out and his shirt lifted up a bit, only to see a bit of his abs. George stared and then he took a sip of his beer, and gulped loudly...

1117 words :)

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