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⚠️swear words⚠️

It was kinda late, he had gotten home an hour ago from the circus. Meanwhile the blonde was just reading a book with his reading glasses on. If anyone except Drista were to see him right now they probably wouldn't recognize him...

He was in a hoodie and sweatpants, his hair was slightly messy, and he had his reading glasses on. He heard a knock on the door, interrupting his reading. Clay brought his book downstairs with him as he opened the door.

He saw George, what is he doing here?

"Oh, hey."

"You look, different" George said.

Clay walked away from the door but kept it open, the brunette took that signal to walk in the house and lock the door behind him...

"Yeah I was reading" Clay showed George the book.

"What book?"

"It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover" Clay looked at George.

"Good book choice" George said.

"I would say so I just started reading it like yesterday" Clay said "Would you like anything to drink, I'm making tea?"

"I'll have some tea then" George gave him a smile.

"When did you start having glasses?" George asked.

"A couple years now, their just reading glasses so that's why I don't wear them often" Clay said.

"Oh okay" George said "They look nice on you."

"Thanks, even though I look like a nerd" Clay pushed his glasses up a bit.

Once the tea was ready he poured it in different cups he gave one to George then kept one to himself. They took a sip of their tea, it was warm...

"So your probably wondering why I'm here" George said.

"No, not really" Clay said "I don't mind, your welcome anytime."

"Well I appreciate it, but for one I was bored" George said "And two, I said we would talk about you know what sometime."

"Well if you came here to talk about that you might as well leave, cause I know your gonna say it means nothing" Clay said.

"Wow for once you don't wanna talk about a certain topic, and I'm not leaving" George said.

"And I never said it meant nothing."

"Well if didn't mean nothing what did it mean to you?" Clay asked, they were silent.

"Okay then, see it meant nothing to you."

The blonde walk around George, the brunette turned his chair around and stopped the blondes movements...

"Yeah?" Clay said as he looked at George.

The male in the chair lightly tugged on the blondes hoodie and kissed him, he backed away so their foreheads met "It meant something like that, but more."

Clay heard him whisper those words and that gave him all permission to kiss him again, George leaned against the back of the chair. The taller males hand met to Georges cheek and his other hand was gripping the island table...

They back away for a breather, just staring at eachother. Clay looked at George's lips which was more pink then usual and he looked back up at George's eyes. His thumb moved George's bottom lip down a bit...

"So do you understand what I'm trying to say here?" George asked.

"Eh, well I have memory loss" Clay lied.

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