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⚠️swear words, hickeys, mentions of sex, death, and alcohol⚠️

Clay woke up from his slumber and sat up, he groaned and looked at to him which was the brunette which was sleeping...

"Oh no" Clay whispered to himself and quickly lifted the blanket to see he has sweatpants on.

Memories from last night started flooding in his brain "Nonono."

He refused to wake up George and he quickly checked his phone and saw 10 voicemails, over 50 messages, and 20 calls all from Drista...

"Oh fuck."

3 hours later...

George woke up at nine and noticed he was in a room that wasn't his, there was no one next to him. He sat up and saw a photo of Clay and recognized colors that wasn't the colors he could see...

"Oh shit" George said "What the fuck did I do last night?"

He noticed he was shirtless and in his boxers, that was it. George covered himself in the blanket and noticed the rest of his clothes was on the floor. The brunette put on the rest of his clothes and saw a note on the nightstand...


Dear George,

I'm sorry I had to leave the house, due to a family emergency. I won't be back to see you leave which I apologize about. But I understand if you never wanna remember what happened last night, but we both were sober. Which means something definitely happend no matter how much you deny it.

Love, Clay


George gasped and covered his mouth. He fully remembered every detail that happened last night...

I had sex with Clay Taken...

The brunette went into the bathroom and noticed a hickey on his neck "Oh no."

He went downstairs, Clay wasn't really home. He was right. The brunette chose to walk home to wake himself up...

20 minutes later...

After 20 minutes of walking George finally arrived at his apartment, he yawned as he opened the door. He closed and locked the door behind him to see Niki come out of her room...

"Where have you been?" Niki asked.

"Out" George yawned.

"I was worried sick George, how was your time with Clay?" Niki asked.

"Don't even get me started with that" George said.

Niki realized his appearance "God you look like a mess, what did you do?"

More like who did I let do me, aka Clay...

Niki noticed a purple mark on George's neck, she pulled down his shirt a bit to look at it "George?"


"Is that hickey?" Niki asked.

George immediately covered his neck "No, what are you talking about?"

Her jaw dropped "Oh my god, that is a hickey!"

George sighed and uncovered his neck "Yep."

The brunette grabbed some water and took a sip of it...

"What who gave you that?" Niki asked, signing towards the hickey.

"Who do you think?" George said as chugged the water.

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