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"𝙼𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚢: 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚗𝚘 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚜𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚜𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚜.

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Title : Invisible Heart String 

Author : arcanusmin

Reviewer: KatoPark



1. Appearance - 3/5

The dark blue theme you've chosen does hit right. But it just doesn't satisfy the whole vibe. It's great, but somewhere it lacked that attention seeking factor. 

2. Title- 3/5

It gives off the cliché idea of strings connecting soulmates. But, it was kind of catchy at the same time. So, good job, I guess. 

3.Cover - 6/10

It was okay, but it could have more work. The font for strings was okay, but the other words aren't just as visible. Same goes with the author's name. It isn't really visible, so try to change that up a little. 

4. Description - 2/5

 Rather unsatisfactory. It could've included a little more of the plot. And 'abnormal' in itself means not normal... so something weird happening is not such a big deal. Instead, had you written 'Haewon's 'normal' life', it would've made more sense. 

5. First impressions- 1/5

The first chapter was a little confusing. The placement of words and the narrator (lead) almost seemed unreliable. The metaphor placement was okay, but all over the place, I'd say. The writing style also didn't click very much. 



1.Grammar - 4/10

Since Grammar also includes punctuations, I will tell you that your punctuations are a little off. They are not there when necessary. There's too many commas, too few full stops, and neglection of other punctuations (semicolon, for instance). It was a little off setting and made me want to stop reading the book. 

Chapter 1 - most paragraphs here are complex and wordy. Try to shorten sentences. Try using the Hemingway editor to find out how good or easy-to-read the sentences actually are. 

In addition to that, the tenses could've been replaced with better substitutes. Narrating in Past does not mean you stick to just 'past' tense. There's past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous. Use a blend of all of them. 

The word 'presently' suits better when You're narrating in the present tense. It could be replaced with better 'past' substitutes. 

Chapter 28 - 'Since when the hell did it happen?' 

You're talking about the murder of a person, author. It can't be 'since' here. That would be wrong. Just omit the 'since'. 

2.Vocabulary - 5/10

The vocabulary in the book is quite basic. You have included metaphors here and there, but they're all a little hazy. It's complex sometimes, and the way of narration doesn't really bring out the correct impact. 

3. Spellings - 8/10

There were very few typos that I found. Good job! Nothing much to say here. 


1. Plot - 5/10

The plot was developed well. But it felt quite draggy in the start. There was far too much time for the narrator to be idling around, rambling about the most common things. That's okay. But the fact that something that would've been important wasn't explained that well. Besides, the lead also had an 'I don't care' attitude, which really just dampens all the emotional turbulence that could have occurred. 

2. Flow - 6/10

The flow was okay, I feel. It sure was a little draggy towards the beginning. I think working on that, or continuing the same pace throughout will do the trick. 

3. Character development - 4/10 

Taehyung's character was okay. With him being an angel and everything, it was developed quite well I must say. But I can't say the same for Haewon. Haewon maintained her attitude and if a graph were to be drawn, it would just be stagnant. There wasn't much emotion or explanation to a few things that she did. And enough insight on the family members weren't given too. 

Chapter 1 - Haewon's emotions were all over the place. The narration wasn't exactly narration, it was mere ranting. This was where the 'I don't care attitude' became evident the most. 

Chapter 9 - She gives off a complainer vibe. She's constantly talking about how perfect her life isn't and how close she is to losing her shit. But I haven't seen her going out of control. This emotion remains stagnant most of the time.



What I really want the author to improve is the writing style. Especially in chapter 1. Towards the later chapters, however, the style did improve. It was better to read on from the 12th chapter onwards. Had better explanations and descriptions. Apart from that, please take into consideration all that I've said. For your effort, well done! 

TOTAL - 51/100




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