Untitled Part 23

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~Madison Williams~

I sat on the floor of my bedroom, letting out a groan of frustration. What was I even supposed to wear? I wish I had asked that before he left my apartment. I shrugged as I gave up and threw an outfit together. I stepped into my heels and faced the mirror. It took me awhile to find the courage to look into the mirror again. After everything that they've done, everything that's happened, I couldn't even feel comfortable in my own skin.

"Just leave me alone!" I screamed.
He chuckled as he leaned in. "You don't have to play hard to get."
"It's not true, okay?!" I snapped.
"Nonsense." He smirked. "We all know your secret."

I gulped as I felt my breathing hitch.

"Stop!" I cried. It was no use as I was dragged across the floor by strong, forceful arms. "Help me!"
"You're just wasting your time." He stated plainly.
"If you even try-" I spoke between sobs, "I will tell."
He chuckled. "And that's supposed to scare me?" He caressed my cheek. "No one will believe you even if you tell."
He licked his lips as he looked down at me. "I'll tell them it was your fault and they will blame you."

And he was right.

"You-" She spat.
"Listen-" I was interrupted by the feeling of her hand whipped against my face.
"I didn't-" My sobbing barely gave me the opportunity to speak. "It's his fault. He-"
"Shut up!" She yelled. "You're a liar!"

I shook my head as I opened my eyes. I'm not in the past right now. I'm in the present, not the past. Present, Madison, present.
I managed to get myself out of my room right on time as I heard the door open. Ashton didn't really need to knock anymore. Based on how frequent his visits were, I just gave him a key to my apartment so he didn't have to bother.
"Are you ready?" I assumed he was about to say until he saw me and fell silent.
I giggled at his reaction and I could see him blush slightly. He mumbled something to himself. I couldn't quite distinguish what the words were but I didn't question it and instead approached him.
"Ready." I answered.
He grinned, leading to the reappearance of his dimples. "Shall we?" He asked in an attempt to imitate some sort of accent that I couldn't classify.
"We shall." I said before he reached for my hand and laced our fingers.

It was around 9:30, if I were to guess the time.
"Where are we headed to?" I asked.
He took his eyes off of the road for a split second and glanced in my direction. "You'll see." He answered with a smile.
"Ashton it doesn't have to be a surprise. I'm not exactly into surprises anyway."
"It won't take long." He promised. "You'll find out soon."
I sighed, looking out the glass of the window. I wasn't about to argue since there wasn't any point in it anyway. Maybe it was time for me to loosen up a bit. Maybe for once I should just let go and relax. There was nothing to worry about, not with Ashton at least. I sat back in the passenger seat and enjoyed the ride to our destination.

We were a couple of miles away and I could see clearly where we were heading to now. The Ferris Wheel stood tall at several meters above the ground and bright lights shone through the night. I've never really been to a carnival before. I've heard of them, yes, but not once have I stepped near one.

"We're here!" Ashton exclaimed happily and I could see the resemblance of a young child's excitement to enter the carnival. I still wonder why I still get surprised with Ashton's immaturity. I should have known that he'd bring me here.
He turned to look at me with a huge grin spread across his face. "Where to?" He asked.
"Um," I pursed my lips as I thought. "I-I don't know."
His smile dropped and he looked at me with wide eyes. "You've never been to a carnival, have you?"
I shook my head.
"I never knew it was that urgent. I am bringing you there right now."
I giggled before we linked arms and walked over to the carnival.

There were a bunch of people but it wasn't crowded like Ashton described it to be which was an advantage because the time spent waiting in line was cut off almost entirely. Most of the people around the carnival were young teenagers and few children since it was late.

"I got it." Ashton said, snapping me back to reality. He held out some stick with a big puff in front of me. I looked at him in confusion.
"Never had cotton candy either?"
He shook his head, "Some childhood you've had."
I chuckled and took my 'cotton candy.' I guess the name was self explanatory so I tried it. I felt my self gasp in surprise.
"It melts in your mouth!"
"Right!" He exclaimed. "That's what I thought too!"

We walked around after getting off of another ride. I watched as this short brunette was standing feet apart, knees bent slightly as she stuck her tongue out while she concentrated her eyes on her target. She stared for a couple seconds until she felt content and swung the ball. The pyramid of bottles collapsed after contact with the ball and she smiled happily as she was handed the little stuffed toy of her choice. Ashton turned to look at me, his grin making its reappearance.
"Want me to win you that one?" He asked pointing towards the big fluffy bear hanging from the wall.
"Mm, are you sure you can do that?" I asked. "Because I bet that you couldn't do it in three tries."
His mouth opened and his eyebrows raised. "Did you just challenge me?" He asked in disbelief. "I'll have you know that I'm a pro at those games."
I smirked, "Maybe I did. Question is, can you accept the challenge and prove you are more than just talk?"
"I see how it is," He leaned in closer, "I accept the deal," He placed his finger under my chin.
"But what do I get if I win?" He asked.
"Haven't thought of that," I answered honestly, "maybe it's because I don't expect you to win."
"Oh," He chuckled. "Oh, it's on." He nodded.
"Winner gets three wishes granted by the loser."
"Deal." I agreed.

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