Chapter 35

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~Madison Williams~

There he was, drinking and partying the night away like nothing ever happened six years ago. Some people just never change. After six years, he was still the same cunning, manipulative Andrew. Not an ounce of guilt seemed to circulate through him. He had completely ruined my life but didn't even seem to recognize me. Somehow, he managed to forget the way he had ruined my reputation after deliberately forcing me. I felt the tips of my nails dig into the skin of my palms. He played with me. He made me believe his sweet, sweet lies only to fall into the bitter truth. He lured me in like I was under some sort of trance and I let my love for him consume me.

I hopped into a cab and allowed the man behind the wheel to steer me as far away from the bar. I had left the club through the back entrance to spare myself of the questionable stares. I sat with my head laid back onto the leather-clad seat and shut my eyes closed. I didn't need to see the world around me or the passenger seat in front of me. I just closed my eyes and inhaled the mixed scent of cigarettes, hairspray and perfume. The car halted when I had arrived at my destination. I lowered my head, took my cash and handed the payment to the driver before stepping out of the vehicle. The cool night breeze filled my lungs with its soothing dewiness. A sigh escaped my lips as I walked bare-footed down the deserted sidewalk. I felt a light tingle arise at the side of my hips. Suspecting the source of tingling was inside of my bag, I grabbed my phone to see that it was ringing.
Glowing from the screen was Ashton's name.

"Hello?" I answered in a low tone.
"Hey, babe." His soft voice played through the phone.
I wiped the corner of my eye with my thumb. "Hey, how was your band celebration?"
"It was okay."
"So, why did you call?"
"I just missed you," He admitted, "Do you want me to pick you up after your shift is over?"
"No, no. It's fine. I got out of work earlier. My boss gave me the rest off."
"Okay," He agreed, "Can we meet up tomorrow?"
"Sure, see you tomorrow."
"Okay. Goodnight. I love you."
"Bye," I said before hanging up.
When I got back into my apartment, I slammed the door behind me and stood at the counter, watching the intoxicating red fluid fill my glass.

I woke up to the aching pain that filled my head. I was passed out on the dark blue sofa with my arms stretched out to touch the floor. Shattered pieces that once formed a wine glass laid around the floor of my living room and my dress was stained red. I released a groan as I got up from the couch and bent down to pick up the shards of glass. The clear material sliced through the surface of my skin, allowing the blood to trickle through the newly-opened wound. I flinched at the sharp sting and stepped carefully through the broken glass. The water flowing from the sink gave relief to my new wound and I watched as the blood mixed with the water before swirling down the drain. I closed the tap and reached into the kitchen cabinet for some bandages.

After I had cleaned up the broken glass, I found myself staring at a picture frame I had kept aside. Every now and then, I would take a moment to stare at the picture frame. I wanted to remind myself of the couple who had took me in when I was disowned. I needed to remind myself that as a person I would always be in their debt for the goodness they had shown me. Now it was too late. I had failed to return their kindness. I was just a selfish woman with no sense of gratitude. Aunt Whitney had died of an accident and I wasn't even there to give much comfort to my uncle. Now Uncle Johnathan was gone and so was everything he had ever owned and worked for.

A knock sounded on my door and I returned the picture frame to its rightful place. Getting back up onto my feet, I walked over to open the door. Ashton stood behind the door with a bouquet of red roses held out before me. A grin was spread out onto his face before he enthusiastically exclaimed, "Surprise!"
I chuckled before making an exaggerated gasp, "for me?"
He nodded as he placed a kiss onto my left cheek. "For you."
"Thank you but what for?" I asked.
"I don't need a reason to give my girlfriend flowers, do I? Is that a rule?"
I giggled slightly as he snaked his arms around my waist from behind. "No. No, I guess not."
I closed my eyes as I let myself feel the warmth from Ashton's embrace. His arms wrapped tightly around my thin waist, my back against his chest, his warmth conducting off and into my cold, motionless body; I needed nothing else. I guess I could say that Ashton was the one who filled the empty spaces. I guess he was the one who made up for my deficiencies. Everything I was lacking in, he provided me with. I was a dark night and just his joy-lit eyes were enough to fill my sky. I was a cold, icy winter and he was the heated fireplace circulating warmth through my veins. Ashton was everything I was not.

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