Untitled Part 25

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~Madison Williams~

"So," Her red stained lips formed a smirk, "How did your date with Ashton go?"
A smile found its way onto my face at the mention of Ashton's name.
She chuckled, "Guess that says enough. Spill."
"Well," I thought back to the events of yesterday, "He brought me to the carnival. We went on a bunch of rides, he won me a teddy bear and we watched the fireworks."
"That's it?" She asked expectantly.
I nodded. "Why? Were you expecting more?"
She shrugged. "I don't know. It's just that it doesn't sound so typical of you. And he brought you to a carnival? I mean, there are many other romantic places you guys could have went to."
A husky chuckle was heard and we shifted our eyes to the direction of the sound.
"You see," He leaned against the bar, "that's what happens when you date a boy."
He smirked mischievously at me as if he had accomplished anything. "When you're sick of him and want to date a real man, I'll be here."
I rolled my eyes, "as if Daniel."
"You missed me babe?" He reached out to me but I took a step back.
I shook my head. "Am I not speaking english? Why can't you just understand that I don't like you? Why is it so hard for you to process that through your head?"
He bit the inside of his cheek, his defined jaw tightening. "You want to know what I don't get, Madison?"
"Do tell me."
He straightened from his position and I could see the tension build up in his muscles. "You see, what I can't wrap my head around is why him? Out of all people why him? If it were someone else maybe I could have actually understood but him? What do you see in a kid like him? Madison, are you even his girlfriend or his babysitter because c'mon."
I sighed, "Maybe I actually like him like that."
His eyebrows raised but he didn't say a word.
"Maybe I like him because of his immaturity, ever thought of that?" I said more calm than usual. At this point, I expected myself to snap but surprisingly I just couldn't bring myself to yell at him.
"Maybe I think that he's perfect no matter what you have to say about him. So you can try all you want but I can assure you, you're wasting you're time."
He shook his head without a word escaping his lips as he left the club.
"Wow." I turned back to see an astonished Kira. "That was... something."
I nodded my head. "The guy just doesn't give up."
"I wasn't talking about Daniel."
I looked at her with my eyebrow raised, hinting slight confusion.
"Oh come on, Madison!" She exclaimed. " 'he's perfect,' 'like him' ? You don't like him. You obviously feel more than that."
I stared at her blindly as she continued to speak.
"Madison, you don't like him do you?" She asked carefully, "You love him."


~Ashton Irwin~

The boys and I had our instruments stored at the van. We had a gig at a night club in a couple of hours. Madison wanted to be there to support me but I insisted that she work instead since she's missed quite a lot of shifts at the bar. Sometimes it amazes me that she hasn't gotten fired yet.
"Earth to Ashton!" Luke said as he waved a hand in front of my face.
"Yeah?" I asked, suddenly awake as I turned to face him.
Calum snorted before muttering under his breath, "I bet he was thinking of Madison."
"Hey, hood." I turned to look at the back of the van where the raven-haired was sitting. "I heard that."
"Is she coming?" Michael asked.
I scoffed. "Wouldn't you like that? Well, to answer your question Mike, no. No, my girlfriend is not coming today."
"Ash," Luke nudged, "Hey, calm down."
"Yeah," Calum agreed. "I swear this slut is going to be the reason for World War III between you two."
My eyes snapped, once again, to the back of the van. "What did you just say?" I asked, though I knew the answer. "Why don't you repeat that?" I dared him.
"I said," He repeated, "That slut is the reason for all of this."
Before I knew it, I jumped out of the drivers seat and lunged myself at him. Luke held me back before I could beat him to a pulp with my bare fists for what he said about Madison.
"Ashton, what the hell?!" Luke yelled.
I huffed, releasing myself from his grasp.
"You see what you just did there? You completely proved him right! What the hell is wrong with you?! You were about to beat up your mate because of that stupid slut!"
"She's not a slut!" I yelled. "Stop calling her that."
"You know what? Can you at least pull yourselves together for the gig?" Luke reasoned.
I did what he said without a word and started the engine. Though I didn't like hearing them talk that way about Madison, I chose to ignore it for now but after the gig, they better be run. I usually wasn't violent and only when I calmed down had I realized my unusual action. I'd never threaten anyone, let alone my best mates.

"Hey everyone, are you ready to rock?"
They responded with a series of shouts and we smiled out into the crowd.
"We're 5 seconds of summer and I don't believe I heard all of you, are you ready to rock?"
The noise roared louder than the last time and we knew that they were pumped to dance the night away.
"Awesome. This one's called 'Don't Stop'."

You're like perfection
Some kind of holiday
You've got me thinking
that we could run away
You want all take you there
You tell me when and where
oh oh oh oh

I was jamming out on the drums as I usually did and I could tell the guys were having fun as well. After the songs were over, they clapped and we left the stage. I stepped out from back stage and onto the floors of the bar.
"Well, nice to see you again." I was greeted by a familiar voice. I turned my head to find the same face I had encountered a couple weeks back. A smile was casually sitting on the edge of her lips and she approached.
She nodded. "I never knew you were part of a band."
I chuckled, "Yeah, I am. We show up for some gigs at bars and parks here and there, nothing major."
Michael cleared his throat and gestured towards Rebecca. "You know her?"
I looked back at Michael and nodded. "We met at a bar a while ago."
He nodded and I turned back to Rebecca. She looked at me with a pleasant smile before asking if we could talk. I agreed and followed her to her seat at the corner of the bar. She sat down across from me, her chin placed at the palm of her hand.
"So," she began, "how's everything? What happened with you and that girl?"
"Good," I answered, "My girlfriend and I are doing great. I forgave her and we're doing better than ever."
"Wait." She straightened her posture. "You did not just tell me that you forgave her."
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why wouldn't I?"
She chuckled as if there was sudden humor in the story.
"Oh come on. Ashton, didn't she cheat on you? It seems to me that she's a player. A heartbreaker. Staying with her is like volunteering yourself as the heartbroken."
I didn't dare say a word. It was partially because I didn't want to snap at her like I did with the guys, and because I knew of the accuracy her words held. I knew of the possibilities but they just couldn't frighten me. Madison could practically torture me over and over again but I'd still voluntarily stay. As stupid as that may sound, I know that I'll still do it.
"Ashton," She placed her hands on top of mine. "Trust me, there are plenty of other girls that are more deserving of you than her. You deserve so much better."
"That's what you all tell me. I don't need you to believe me or agree with me, but if you knew her the way I do, you'd know that she's worth it."
"Okay." She nodded with her lips pressed into a straight line. "I'm sorry."
I shook my head. "Can we just talk about something else?"
"Yeah." She agreed.
"Since we haven't gotten to know each other yet, why don't you tell me something about yourself?"
"Well, what do you want to know?"
I contemplated my questions before asking. I didn't really know what to ask so I went for the basics.
"Any hobbies, passions?"
"Nothing really."
"Nothing?" I repeated in disbelief. "How could you possibly have no hobbies or passions?"
She shrugged, "I guess you could say that I'm always too busy to really enjoy anything. I've played piano since I was a toddler but that was because my parents forced me to."
"If you aren't interested in piano, what about another instrument? Or singing? Art? Drama?" I continued to ramble.
"Well I've done classical singing, art and theater but I've never had the chance to actually enjoy it. My father's very-" She paused as she contemplated on her word choice, "meticulous about everything. He believe that if you do something, do it right. So I had to be very technical and crucial to little details that it's more about focusing on what's right than what's fun."
She chuckled. "More like self-image obsessed. They just want to keep their so-called 'perfect' reputation. They wouldn't be able to bare it if I did something to 'shame' the family name. If I make one mistake I'd end up like my sister."
"You have a sister?"
A frowned tugged and weighed down her lips. "I did."
"I'm sorry." I said sympathetically before hesitantly asking, "What happened to her?"
"I was eleven at the time. I didn't really know what happened but when she came home, my parents were screaming at her and they just threw her out of the house. When I asked, my parents told me that she dropped out of school and that no dropout was going to be part of our family. And then from that day on I never saw her again."
"Oh," Was all that came out of my mouth. I didn't know how to respond after hearing that story. I felt bad for her but at the same time I grew curious as to why she had dropped out of school in the first place.
"Anyway," She brought the conversation back, "I have to go but I'll see you later?"
I nodded. "Bye Rebecca."

She chuckled. "Can we name it Rebecca?"
I nodded, "Why Rebecca?"
She shrugged, "Just like the name."
"Okay," I agreed, "Rebecca it is."

Rebecca, I thought.


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