Untitled Part 29

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~Madison Williams~

"Long time no see," I paced around, turning onto my heel. "I haven't seen you in six years. Is this really how you greet your beloved daughter?"
"Madison," I corrected him. "for now on my name is Madison."
He shook his head in disbelief, "I didn't recognize you."
He reproachfully eyed me from head to toe before saying, "It seems your mother and I have made the right choice. If this was really the way you were to turn out, your mother would have wished you were never born. At least now, your appearance matches who you really turn out to be."
"Well, I'm glad to know you haven't formed any regrets," I spoke rather untruthfully, "but I know that life as your daughter would only result in my misery. And maybe I do look the part of my true disposition, but you my father, you're nothing but an impostor and a hypocrite. Because you know what?"
He stood tall and proud; unconcerned of anything that had to come out of the mouth of a disgraceful woman because he knew in his mind and in the eyes of all the others, he was superior over a promiscuous cocktail waitress.
"You," I spat in his face, "you walk out and sit in front of the cameras as a dignified, honorable man worthy of managing and maintaining the needs of a city. You expect people to be governed by you- to entrust you with their lives; but how can you ever be worthy of the lives of a city, when you only care about reputation and social statuses? The city as a whole does not just consist of you highly-looked-upon people who graduated university and succeed in life. The city consists of homeless, of needy, of refugees and fugitives, of immigrants, of single mothers and the unemployed and of promiscuous cocktail waitresses. So why should anyone entrust a hypocritical narcissist with the lives of people in the city?"
He chuckled with amusement, "You really haven't changed have you? I can still hear the voice of Danika in your speech. You know, you always did have potential Danika. You could have been like your mother and I but you chose to be trash. No piece of trash can be an Anderson. It's really such a shame that you wasted such potential Danika."
"My name is not Danika Anderson!" I snapped, "I am Madison Williams."
"Oh Danika," His smirk made its reappearance, "you can deny it all you want but we both know you are only fooling yourself. You know that you are and always will be Danika. No matter what name I disguise you under."
"Shut up! Shut up!"
His taunting laughter echoed through the room and played a constant loop into the depths of my mind, to be forever part of my memory.
"Did you really think your sister wanted to visit you? Did you really think she even cared if you were still alive? Maybe I'm not perfect but the only mistake I made was you. And somehow, Johnathan and Whitney voluntarily relived that same mistake. That's all you are Danika, a mistake continuously made and that boy of yours will find that out pretty soon."
Without a moment of hesitation, my hand made its introduction to his face; pink spreading across his cheek.
"You!" A voice yelled from behind.
I turned around to re-encounter the cruel eyes of my beloved sister. Anger and resentment was written throughout her stoned countenance. I wasn't expecting her to be happy to see me after our last encounter.
"You're the one who Daniel cheated on me with!" She approached me as her anger began to well up. "You slut!" She exclaimed before tugging her hands at my hair. I didn't scream or let a sound escape my lips. I didn't have the strength to fight against my sister, not when I knew she wasn't wrong. I saw the consequences and I chose to bring them on myself. She clutched tightly onto several locks of hair and pushed me to the floor.
"Rebecca!" Our father called. "Rebecca that isn't proper social etiquette. Stop it at this instant before you start a scandal for me to pay the consequences of."
Hesitantly, she released me after indulging herself with one last slap to the face. She huffed as she got up and straightened her posture. "Father, what is she even doing here?"
"Rebecca, anyone can come here to watch the performances."
"Well, why is she backstage? Who is she to be here?" She questioned, her chin up with such arrogant pride the Andersons were known for. She instilled her eyes on him and didn't dare take a glance at me, for she knew she couldn't bear it.
"Go on," I looked straight into his eyes as I dared him,

"Why don't you tell her just who I am?"

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