Untitled Part 10

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~Madison Williams~

I woke up confused as the smell of pancakes lingered around my small-spaced apartment. I definitely wasn't cooking pancakes in my sleep and from what I know, I'm the only one living here. So who was cooking? Was I still asleep? Maybe I'm hallucinating. I opened my eyes to see the same dimpled grin.

"Good Morning." He chirped.
"Ashton?" I said; still confused. "How did you get into my apartment?"
He chuckled. "Did you forget that I took you here last night? I got the keys from your purse to open the door and that's why you're here and not at my apartment."
"Thank you."
"It's nothing. I made you breakfast." He got a plate of pancakes and scrambled eggs and served them to me in bed. Breakfast in bed; nice move. I smiled gratefully at him and got him to join me for breakfast. He was actually a better cook than I was.

"So Ashton, what do you do when you're not busy bothering girls all the time?"
He coughed. "If you must know, I don't do this to all girls; consider yourself lucky."
I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of my orange juice.
"And to answer your question, I'm actually part of a band."
"You sing?"
He shook his head. "Drummer."
"Well, if you're any good, I'd love to see this band of yours."
"You'll see."

My phone buzzed and I walked over to the table to answer it.
I looked back at Ashton who seemed to be minding his own business.
"Madison, it's Kira."
"Hey, what's up?"
"I was just checking to see if you were okay."
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Well, you didn't show up to work last night and um, Daniel... He's-" She was cut off as the phone was ripped out of her hands.
"Madison? Madison is that you?"
"Yes, it's me. What do you want?"
"Madison I know you weren't at work last night. Who were you with?"
"That's none of your business, just leave me alone."
"Goodbye Daniel."
I hung up.

I turned around to see concern on Ashton's face. "You okay? Is there something wrong?"
I shook my head. "Don't worry about it. It's not important."
"If you say so." He agreed though still not convinced.
When we were finished our breakfast I cleaned up the table and placed the dishes in the dishwasher. I sighed sitting back down on the couch.
Ashton looked at me questioningly, "Aren't you going to get ready?"
I raised an eyebrow. "For what?"
He chuckled, "You didn't actually believe I'd just leave you alone, did you?"
I shook my head. "Where are we going?"
"Just come with me."
"Okay." I didn't bother to waste my time on an argument so I went to my room to change. I don't have anywhere to be and I guess it's about time I find a new hobby besides boring myself to death. I got out of my room and followed Ashton to his car.
"How long is it going to take to get to this place you're bringing me?"
"I'm not going to lie, it's going to take a while."
"So what I'm hearing is you're going to bring me to a playground at the other side of Australia?"
"I'm not bringing you to a playground this time."

I took out my phone and played around while I was waiting. I was sitting in the passenger seat and at the corner of my eye I could see Ashton; his eyes shifted from the road and glanced at me. I pretended not to notice until his stares became frequent. I sent him a smirk followed by a wink.

"Like what you see?" I teased.
"You know, you really shouldn't have worn heels."
"Why not? Besides, I don't own shoes without heels."
He didn't answer and instead, he just continued driving in silence.

After a while, we finally arrived at our destination. Seeing the location we were at, I understood why heels weren't exactly the best choice.

"What are we doing at a lake?"
"Well, I thought I'd bring you here. I figured you've probably never been to this place so I wanted to show you."
"It is beautiful," I admitted "but what are we going to do here?"
He grinned. "Ever been canoeing?"

I've never pictured myself hanging out at a peaceful and quiet place like this; I was a party girl after all. My usual surroundings were a club or bar and I'm surprised Ashton got me into canoeing. I had to take my heels off as we got into the canoe. I've never been canoeing before so Ashton started laughing at me when I paddled in the wrong direction; leading us nowhere. I looked up to find Ashton staring at me, again.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked trying my best not to sound rude.
"I just think you're beautiful."
I chuckled, "Falling for me already Ashton? You know you really shouldn't."
"Why? Are you going to break my heart like the others?"
I nodded. "I would spare myself the heartbreak if I were you."
"Why do you do it?" He asked. "You can't say that you do it for fun; I can see that it's more than that."
"How would you know?" I questioned. "Maybe I do enjoy breaking their hearts. And what about you, huh? Why do you do this? Do you enjoy chasing sluts around?"
He shook his head, "Don't say that."
"Why not? It's true. I'm admitting it. I'm a slut."
"No you're not." He took my hand and held it in his. "You're more than you think you are Madison and I don't understand why you do this to yourself."
"Listen, I don't know who you think I am or maybe you got me confused with another Madison because I'm not that person you're describing."

Out of frustration, I didn't notice that I was tipping the canoe over to the side and I fell out of the canoe and into the water.
"Madison!" I heard Ashton yell.
I did my best to hold my breath. I didn't even know how to swim and I could feel the weight pushing me deeper into the water. My lungs were burning and I felt a hand come into reach. Ashton held onto me as he swam up and out of the water. He lifted me back into the canoe, himself following.
"Are you oka-"
I pulled him into a tight hug, "Thank you."
"Sh," He stroked my hair as he calmed me down. "It's okay. You're safe now."
Once I had calmed down, I pulled back, my arms still wrapped around his bare torso. He was lightly tanned due to the exposure from the sun onto his bare skin. Without his shirt on, it was clear that he worked out.
"Thank you."
He grinned, "It's nothing."
I smiled gratefully. He turned around as he appeared to be searching for something.
While he wasn't looking, I took his shirt and carefully dropped it in the water.
"Hey Madison,"
"Yeah?" I asked innocently.
"Have you seen my shirt?"
"What shirt?"
"You know, the one that I was wearing."
I shook my head. "I don't recall. Maybe you threw it off when you went to save me."
It's okay, you don't need a shirt; I thought to what turns out not to be myself. I covered my mouth once I realized what I had said out loud.
He chuckled; his dimples making their reappearance. "Well, I knew you'd enjoy the view." He winked.
"Whatever." I muttered.

"Thanks for bringing me to the lake, and saving me." I thanked him as we got back to my apartment.
"Wow, you actually admitted that I saved you this time." He joked.
I rolled my eyes in response. "Whatever, just go home and put a shirt on."
"Why? I thought you were enjoying the sight of my abs?"
"Goodnight Ashton."
"Goodnight Madison."
He turned around. "By the way," He smirked. "I know you threw my shirt away."
My eyes widened in shock. "No, I didn't! You take that back!"
He chuckled as he got back into his car and waved goodbye.

I grinned, entering my apartment. I let out a sigh as I plopped down onto the couch. I just think you're beautiful, his words echoed through my mind causing a smile to spread onto my face. No Madison, my mind told me. He's just another typical guy. I wasn't about to fall for his or any guy's little games. Why do you do it? There were many reasons to answer that question.
My phone rang, interrupting me from my thoughts.
"Madison." I could hear him stifle back a sob.
"Uncle Johnathan?"
"Madison, you need to come here as soon as you can. It's your Aunt."
"What happened to Aunt Whitney?"
"She's gone Madison."
"W-what? Don't worry I'm coming over there. I'll be there in a few."

I hopped into a taxi immediately and in about 10 minutes, I was at their house. My aunt and uncle were the ones took care of me when my parents kicked me out. They were basically my family and I'll always consider them my family instead of my real parents who want nothing to do with me.
"What happened?"
"I don't know I just- I just came home and she was there. The evidence shows that she just fell down the stairs but it's just- I can't lose her just like that." He cried uncontrollably. "Maybe if I were home-"
"Sh. It's okay. It's not your fault."
He nodded. "I saw this note. It was in her pocket." He handed me the paper.

I unfolded the note; surprised as I read who it was directed to.
It must be a mistake, except it wasn't. It was meant exactly for the person they addressed it to;
Danika Anderson.

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