Chapter 33

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~Madison Williams~

It was from there on that my life took a 180 degree flip. Everything was getting out of control but there was no stopping, the speed of all of it was only increasing. Andrew was the vehicle that drove me to hell in insane speeds. After the rumors had settled in, I lost everything. I couldn't even go to school without the fear that someone would take further twists into the rumor. It wasn't just about the rumors anymore. I couldn't trust anyone. I couldn't stand next to a guy without the fear of what may happen when we were left alone. I couldn't trust that he wouldn't become just another Andrew, another guy with no conscience.

I walked down the hallways on a hot summer afternoon. Routinely, I kept my head down to avoid the glares of everyone in the hall. My hand clutched onto the textbooks I was holding to my chest. Andrew was at the other end of the hallway with the same smirk I was so familiar with. Wrapped with his arms was the thin waist of just another beautiful girl at our school. Tall, long legged girls had always been Andrew's type. I looked at the girl. I didn't resent her, rather, I pitied her. I knew know that Andrew was only after one thing all along. His intentions were clear to me now and by the time she felt the same way, it would already be too late. For a moment after my reflection, I pondered. I wondered if he had been planning on how to get my attention, how to get me to fall for him. I wondered if he had done the same to other girls. Had I been innocent or ignorant? Had I been open-minded or naïve? But at the top of my questions, I wondered why me? What have I done to deserve this? Why me? The thought slipped my mind as I bumped into someone and dropped my books to the floor.
A groan escaped her pink-stained lips as she looked up from her phone to me. "What the hell?"
"Sorry." I mumbled as I picked up my textbooks off of the floor. I could feel the stares of everyone in the hallway including Andrew and his new victim. I bent down as I picked up my textbooks. I could hear the whispers but they didn't quite bother me as much. I could tolerate the whispers surrounding me, it was the silent stares that really killed me slowly. The whispers told me directly everything they thought of me, they threw around a couple of words but the stares, the stares held a million of possibilities and spoke many more words than a whisper could utter. She crossed her arms around her as she looked down on me.
"Slut and stupid," she shook her head slowly, "you never deserved Andrew. Lucky you ever had him."
I fix my eyes onto her. "Lexi, what are you talking about? It was an accident and about Andrew, I told you the truth. Don't you believe me?"
She scoffed in disgust, "Believe you? Why would I believe you?"
"Lexi," I stood up to meet her eye to eye, "I thought we were friends."
"Well you thought wrong. I can't be friends with a slut like you Danika."
"No," I stared at her in disbelief, "no. Lexi, you don't mean that."
I reached for her but she backed away. A tear escaped the corner of my eye. What happened to the years we've spent as friends? What happened to the sweet, compassionate girl I knew? Had she changed or had she ever existed?
"Lex" Olivia called out to Lexi as she approached the scene.
"Liv," both Lexi and I called out to her.
Olivia turned her eyes to me with a look of pure resentment. "Oh look," Olivia said, "the slut's wearing short-shorts to school today. What the hell are you trying to prove?"
"Liv, you don't believe them, do you?"
"Well, looking at you now, I think the truth is crystal clear. You clearly look like one, you can't blame anyone for thinking so, can you?"
"Looks can be deceiving." I muttered, standing straight.
"Maybe so," She smirked cheekily, "but on the contrary, our appearances tell more about us than you would think."
"So what does mine tell you?" I challenged her, "Does my clothing tell you who I really am? Do they spell out all of the things I've done? All of my sins? Do they?"
She stood in silence, unable to come up with a witty remark to counter. I shook my head slowly, "They don't, do they?"
I chuckled bitterly as I took a step closer to her, "You see, if clothes really did spell out who we really are, I would've known you were a fraudulent, delusive bitch." I spat in her face before storming out of the hallway."
The last thing I could hear was the gasp that escaped Olivia's mouth, followed by the tiresome "you'll regret you said that," and the silently judging stares. I couldn't believe that my best friends could betray me so easily. I didn't want to believe what was happening. "Regret," they told me, little did I know that they really meant it.
Weeks later, I had been walking down the staircase of our small high school. The bell had rung past five minutes ago and the hallways were as good as empty. I had waited a while after the school day ended for me to leave. I figured it would be best to avoid the stares and whispers of others. Thinking I was alone, a gasp escaped my lips as an arm had grabbed me from behind. A bag was thrown on to cover my eyes before I was dragged.
"Make a noise and you'll regret it." A masculine voice had whispered into my ear. With ignorance to his threat, I shrieked out for help. Consequently, a punch was thrown to my stomach. "Shut up!" He demanded as he continued to drag me to a location I was unaware of. A short second after we stopped, I was thrown against a wall and fell onto the floor. I threw off the bag that was worn on my head.
"What the hell?!" I shouted. As my eyes laid on the face displayed in front of me, I instantly recognized him. It was Andrew's friend. "You?"
He chuckled slightly, "missed me babe?"
I scoffed, "What am I doing here? What the hell are you up to?" I asked as I began to get on my feet.
He pushed me back down against the corner of the room. The school's shower room. I felt my stomach turn as the upcoming events were being foreshadowed.
"Hold on now," He smirked, "You're not going anywhere. Didn't I say that you would regret it?"
An amused laugh sounded from across the room along with the clicking of the girl's shoes as she approached.
"Well done Bryan." Olivia said as she swung two keys around her finger.
She nodded, "the one and only. Why do you look so surprised? I warned you didn't I? I told you that you would regret it and you will. You know, I was thinking about what you said." She grinned mischievously before whistling with her fingers, giving cue for the entrance of the school's football team. I gulped as I saw more than just the football team enter.
"Please," I begged Olivia, "I didn't mean it."
She chuckled, "Well you were right Dani," She looked down at me, "I guess I am a fraudulent, delusive bitch."
She giggled uncontrollably as she left the room, closing the locked door.
"Well gentlemen," Bryan stood up from beside me, "enjoy yourselves."
"No, no, no!" I shook my head, begging for them not to do this to me. As if programmed to, 5 guys automatically approached me. I got up off of my knees and ran for the door, trying desperately to open it. I shrieked as I was dragged to the floor by one tall brunette.
"Please." I looked directly into his hazel eyes but nothing. Not a sense of pity was shown from him. I sobbed desperately because I knew fighting back was useless when there were five guys pinning me down and more than fifteen waiting for their turn to do whatever the hell they wanted to do with me. My shirt was ripped apart and I was pinned to the cold floor of the shower room by five pairs of muscular arms. After an hour of struggling desperately, I was numb. The only thing I could feel was the cold water falling from the shower head. I was completely stripped of everything. Respect, self-worth, dignity; they meant nothing anymore. All of me was taken and enjoyed but some men I didn't even know the names of. It was different if I had the chance to fight back, but the fact that fighting back was useless killed me on the inside. I couldn't forget that night in the shower room. I couldn't forget all of the sobs and shrieks contrasting the laughter of the men surrounding me. I couldn't forget being dragged to the floor or aggressively pinned down as they laid their hands on anything they pleased. Even when they were gone, I could still feel the rough hand that spanked me for his own pleasure or the cold fingers that touched my bare skin. At the end of the day, all I could feel was the numb aching and the cold water of the shower head. I couldn't cry anymore, I didn't have any tears left to cry. I couldn't scream, my throat was burning and my voice was practically gone. I just sat naked on the floors of the shower room in complete silence.

This was a really sad chapter and like I said, it's a sensitive topic, I know, but it needs to be addressed. If you keep reading you will fully understand Madison.

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