Untitled Part 26

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~Madison Williams~

"You love him." Kira declared.

I stared at her speechlessly as I tried to process the three words laid out before me.

"What did you just say?" I asked in disbelief.

She chuckled, "Madison, you love him."

I shook my head. "You're just exaggerating things Kira. I like him and all but-"

"Look," She interrupted. "I know 'love' isn't exactly in that dictionary of yours but if you want a definition, what you have with Ashton is basically it."

I almost felt like bursting into a fit of laughter. "Kira, I think I would know if there was such a thing and as far as I know, it doesn't exist."

"Oh come on Madison," She rolled her eyes. "Who are you trying to convince? Because honestly, I think that even you don't believe what you're saying."

"Maybe I don't," I snapped, "but I know eventually I'll be able to believe it."

"Madison-" She tried to call out but I was already storming out of the bar leaving hours of my shift behind me.

With all of the guys I've met, I'd know if such a thing existed; if it were possible for a guy to 'love' someone. I know for a fact that it's all a myth. I know for a fact that all of this is a game. We're just playing a game of who's who. A game of dominance; a game of pride. The winner comes out with the satisfaction knowing that they couldn't be toyed. The loser ends up with nothing but loss. I never want to be that loser and I never will be. Madison doesn't get heartbroken; Madison breaks hearts.

When I got back home from the bar, it was around eleven o'clock in the night. I sighed as I closed the door and tossed my stuff onto the couch. I slipped off my stilettos to give my feet a break and collapsed onto the sofa. Where are Ashton and I going anyway? Simple, I answered myself, there's only one way Ashton and I are going to end and by now I was more than used to it.

A knock sounded on my door and I groaned slightly as I got up to answer it. My eyes peered through the door to get a glimpse of the man behind it. His face and features were unfamiliar to me and I wondered why he was knocking on my door at this time of night. I opened the door, revealing only my face. His eyes darted to mine a second after the door opened but his facial expression remained at its blank state.

"Yes?" I answered. "How can I help you?"

He cleared his throat and asked, "Is Danika here? Danika Anderson?"

I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard the name slip from his lips. Danika? Why was he looking for Danika? Danika had been gone for years now and I doubt that he knew her anyway.

I shook my head. "No. I've never heard of her." I told the man. "Sorry."

He shrugged, "Thanks anyway."

I shut the door behind me. Why would anyone be looking for Danika?

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