On the floor

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Hey guys it's I the author :)
This is the nightclub story which you guys wanted
The flight story will be finished eventually I promise.
But until then.... Enjoy

Tubbo pov:

"This sucks tommy!" I screamed as we walked home from a class

"Listen just cause mr. Foolish hates you and purposely fails you doesn't mean the class sucks" tommy snickered

"That's exactly what it means" I deadpanned

"You know what you need" tommy smiled

When tommy smiles like it that it never ends well. But I was in the mood to do something stupid so I went a long with it
"What?" I said

"You need a night out" he replied

"Alright" I smiled

Tommy practically halted. And stared at me
"Wait wait wait! You actually want to go out? Like on a night out? Not briefly for like one drink, I mean out out"

"Alright I don't mind" I nodded

Tommys smile widened like the grinch as he almost skipped his way back home
"I'll see you at 10" he winked then walked into his house

I honestly have no idea on how tonight would go.
I did know one thing though
I was drinking til I couldn't anymore


10 o clock was approaching
And I was still picking out my outfit.
I didn't know whether to go for my blue top or my black and yellow jumper

Eventually a knock was heard o the door, I knew it was tommy so I just dragged him in, still shirtless

"Ummm Tubbo" tommy trailed

I turned to him and noticed he was staring
"Shit sorry! I just I couldn't pick out a top" I blurted

"Well you can't go shirtless" Tommy joked
"Show me the choices"

I lead him to my wardrobe

"The jumper. It makes you look small and adorable" tommy said nonchalantly

"YOU CANT JUST SAY THAT AND WALK OFF!" I exclaimed causing tommy to laugh as we headed out the door


Once we got to the club that Tommy had picked out and claimed 'was the best in town' we eventually got in after being ID'd and paid.

The music was obnoxiously loud and the drinks looked extremely expensive but I had a bit of money to spare, student loans be damned.

Within about an hour I was already 5 drinks on and wobbling around the dance floor
Tommy had to catch me from falling a couple times but I was still sober enough to make sense out of everything

There was a booming song playing which I identified as I bet you look good on the dancelfoor
Which I thought was rather ironic.

And then as I swayed and tiptoed back to the dance floor I met the gaze of someone.

He was tall, extremely tall and had semi long fluffy blonde hair, his face was a thing of beauty and I couldn't look away.

The alcohol in my system clearly took over as I swayed over to him and began dancing.

The guy seemed to notice and danced with me, although his movements were a bit more... mature whereas I was just jumping up and down wildly

But for a brief moment everything stopped, the music in the background seemed to fade away, and everyone else in the room almost disappeared.

I stared into his half lidded eyes and moved by head forward as his head leaned down in a synchronised motion.
Then our lips touched and I felt fireworks in my stomach. Although that could have been the alcohol.

I wasn't sure how long the kiss lasted but it was enough time for the song to change.

But then I felt an arm grab mine, and I turned to see tommy
"We need to go!" He exclaimed as we ran out of the door

"Why" I shouted over the loud crowd

"I kissed a girl in front of her boyfriend" Tommy spoke and I began laughing whilst being dragged out of the bar.

But as I looked back at the mysterious man who took my first kiss.

But he was gone.

On the floorWhere stories live. Discover now