Meant to be

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Tubbo pov:

I stared into his eyes
Scared that if I blinked he would go again

I couldn't believe I'd fell so hard for someone I hadn't even spoken to yet.

My mouth opened to speak but no words came out.

The man in front of me seemed to do the same thing and we both stuttered and struggled to find the words we wanted to say.

Instead of saying anything the man patted to the stool next to him and I nodded accepting his silent invitation

A bartender came over and offered his assistance
"What can I get for you" he smiled

I opened my mouth to speak once again but my Prince Charming beat me to it

"Another whiskey glass please" he spoke

My face blushed a deep red
His voice was so deep
So smooth

I felt shivers run down my spine and even though the music in the club was booming, I could hear his voice so clearly

"Coming up" the bartender chimed

I looked at the man next to me and then to my hands fiddling under the table

When I glanced at the man again I saw a brief smile whilst he stared at me

I mustered up as much courage as I could I managed to mutter out "you have a nice voice"

My voice almost squeezed in comparison which caused a small laughter out of him

"Glad you like it... not many people have said that before" he chuckled

My lips curved into a smile, feeling almost proud that I said something good instead of stupid

Eventually the bartender came back with another glass, and the man to my left immediately offered to pour some of his whiskey bottle into it.
And of course I allowed it

We both raised our glasses til they were barely touching

"I'm Ranboo" he smiled

"I'm Tubbo" I replied
Then we made our glasses clink together before downing the drink each

Suddenly a bartender who is grown somewhat familiar with rushed over

"RANBOO? TUBBO?" He questioned and both Ranboo and I gave him a puzzling look

"You know each other?" Wilbur asked his eyes darting between the two of us

"This is the guy I told you about" Ranboo and I said in unison, then we looked at each other in shock

"No way! No fucking way... what are the chances that's ridiculous!" Wilbur continued to smile.

He looked as if he would burst out into hysterical laughter at any second but was trying to hold it in
His Cheshire grin was bursting of his face

"Guess it was meant to be" I half joked, making it blatantly aware that the alcohol was somehow already affecting me even though I'd only had one glass, although it could've also been the butterflies flying in my stomach

"Oh don't say 'meant to be' in front of this guy" Ranboo laughed and Wilbur seemed to immediately go stone cold

"That was one time!" Wilbur bursted out

"Sure sure" Ranboo smiled

"And on that note I'll leave you too it" Wilbur chuckled and walked away

There was a moment of silence between us, still taking sips of a newly poured glass of whiskey only for the moment to be broken by me

"Can we talk about that kiss?"

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