Soft Touch

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Tubbo pov:

My head jolted up, quickly removing whatever touched the top of my head off of it.

I looked around in a panic, until my eyes stopped at the head of the bed.

And I saw Ranboo with his beautiful grey eyes staring at me, his face held a small yet bright smile which I could see now that the tubes were gone.

"Ranboo!" I shouted and quickly hurried over to him and held him for a hug.

I felt his hand once again touch my hair, and the other stroking my back.

I held Ranboo tightly. As tight as I could, never wanting to let go.

But then I felt him shake ever so slightly, and his throat gargled and twitched.
I quickly broke the hug and looked at him, but he was drooling and frothing in the mouth, his eyes became small and I could barely see his pupils, they were like tiny black dots  on a broad canvas.

"Ranboo?" I questioned

"RANBOO" I then screamed after his shaking became more severe, to the point where his limbs were kicking out trying to escape the pain he was in.

"HELP! PLEASE ANYONE!" I called out, hoping a doctor would come in.

The sound of the heart monitor working in tandem with my heart as well as ranboos

Then Ranboo stopped, his hand grabbed my.
I looked straight to him. Directly into his eyes. They looked almost at peace as he opened his mouth to speak.

"You're so precious. The best thing that's ever happened to me" Ranboo whispered, then his eyes closed
And the heart monitor gave a long lasting beep.


My head shot up and I darted around the entire room. Panicking, sweating, I was out of breath and my body was hyperventilating

"Hey hey it's ok what happened?" I heard from behind me.

I turned around and saw tommy sitting in one of the chairs next to ranboo, with a book in his hands and one ear bud in.

"I- Ranboo he- he died! I ca- he-" I stuttered not being able to form a sentence

"Tubbo buddy it was just a nightmare" Tommy said quickly then rushed to his feet to console me, pulling me in for a hug

"He's not dead... look at him he's gonna be just fine I can feel it" tommy added breaking the hug to smile at me

"How can you be so sure" I sniffled wiping the tears from my eyes

"Because if he dies, you'll be upset and if you're upset I've gotta deal with it. Point is if he dies I'm gonna kill him. And no one would want to mess with me so he'll make it out of shear fear" tommy smiled

"Oh yeah, big man tommy" I giggled

"I am big strong man" tommy mocked, adding his usual joking voice

"Of course" I smiled and wrapped my arms around him again

"Thank you Tommy. Thank you so much" I sighed into his chest

"Of course tubs, what are friends for" tommy said, I could tell he was smiling. At least a little bit as he patted my back

I felt at ease for the first time in days, then I heard the heart monitor spike from the opposite side of the room.
Then a groan from a deep coarse voice and a shuffle on the hospital bed

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