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Tubbo pov:

I was crying for hours.
Those hours turned into days

I stayed at the hospital every hour I could
I skipped my classes.
I didn't do any work.
I told Tommy what happened and he visited me, and then he told the school why I was here.
And what I was doing
They didn't seem to mind thankfully

There was no sign of him waking up, my head had a permanent place on his chest, and I'd sink into his breathes whenever I was worried.
Hearing his heartbeat was what kept me going.

"Hey buddy... how ya holding up" I heard from the door
I looked and saw tommy slowly creeping in with a handful of papers

"I'm not the one that needs to answer that" I sighed and looked towards Ranboo
"What's that you've got?" I asked

"Oh uh well... although everyone is relatively ok with you not being at school... mr foolish wants you to keep up with the work... he also said it might be good to occupy your mind with something else- he sounded almost caring" tommy replied, placing the papers on the desk to my right

"That's ridiculous... abs how could he possible expect me to do any work to any standard he'd be happy with when I'm like this!" I cried out

"I know it's hard Tubbo. But you've gotta be strong, I know you can be" tommy began
"Remember when we were kids... and I had that bully, I didn't want to go to school for weeks because of him, and then you walked up to him and stared him in his eyes. You said something and I never found out what it was, but he never bullied me again, you were brave for me when I just wanted to cry. So I know you can do it"

I laughed slightly at the memory. That was so long ago.
"Yeah... those were the days" I reminisced
"Do you wanna know what I told him" I smiled

"Yes please!" Tommy exclaimed, seeming overly excited

"I'll give you the answers for every test for the rest of the year" I repeated

Tommy stared at me in pure confusion "but he failed the year... and had to stay behind" he questioned

"I know... so then he couldn't bother you from a different year group" I smirked

"You evil fucker" tommy laughed and I joined in
"It's nice to see you smile again Tubbo" he added

I looked at the papers, then at Ranboo
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try a bit" I sighed

"That's the spirit" tommy replied nudging my shoulder


I spent 3 hours doing work, 2 hours sleeping and another hour scrolling through the apps on my phone trying to figure out what to eat.

I felt better about myself, i don't know what it was but I felt better than before.

But whenever I turned my head and saw Ranboo still hooked up to that machine, my heart shattered just a little bit more.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest.
My eyes betrayed me, and the tears slowly began wetting the cloth that laid over ranboos unconscious body.

"Please wake up Ranboo. I need you" I mumbled into the sheets

Then I felt a soft hand, slowly begin stroking the top of my head.

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