Leave a loved one

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Tubbo pov:

A few days passed and Ranboo was finally allowed o tog the hospital, his legs still felt weak so he was given a walking stick to stable himself, it was funny watching the doctors try and find one that was a comfortable size for him.

"This isn't funny tubs" Ranboo playfully groaned

"Sorry I can't help it" I laughed.

Once a size was agreed upon Ranboo signed the discharge forms and was released. My hand held ranboos whilst he gripped onto his new wooden staff

Almost like a wise martial arts teacher, minus the fighting ability.. or wisdom

Once we left the hospital Ranboo and I broke stood immediately still, as we saw Aaron waiting outside by his car.
Ranboos hand tightened on his stick whilst I walked infront of him, trying to protect him from whatever Aaron had planne.

"What are you doing here Aaron" I growled

Aaron put his hands up just infront of his chest
"I mean no harm" Aaron chuckled nervously

"Oh great yeah fantastic... but that doesn't answer my question" I retorted

"I-I just wanted to make sure Ranboo was ok... I heard he was being released so I wanted to at least say my goodbyes...he's- he's in better hands now" Aaron sighed and mumbled the last part but I heard it

"Ranboo stay here" I whispered to him whilst I walked over to Aaron.
He seemed quiet shocked but didn't say anything, he almost seemed paralysed in fear

I grabbed Aaron's collar and pulled him to my level "I don't know what to do" I whispered to him.
"What do you mean?" Aron replied staring at me

"What do I do about Wilbur. I want to get him arrested, but I don't think Ranboo wants to be caught up in all of this again... plus I think wilburs done a runner" I sighed

Aaron seemed shocked
"How would you know that?" He asked

I pulled out ranboos phone and showed the last texts from Wilbur which Ranboo had received earier but never saw

I'll see you pal, I've gotta go for a bit, do me a favour...
Look after the thing for me whilst I'm gone ;)

"What thing?" Aaron asked

"I don't know... the only thing I can imagine is drugs maybe? I don't know. Like a plant or something

"Ask him? Ranboo would be the only one that knows I guess"

"Surely it's too soon" I whispered, hoping that Ranboo wouldn't hear

"But what if it's important"

"What's important?" Ranboo asked, his voice shaking ever so slightly

I sighed and looked at the phone
"Ranboo, what does Wilbur hold that's important to him" I asked, trying to keep as calm as possible

"I'd imagine his drugs... why?" Ranboo replied, keeping his eyes fixated on me, even though I could tell they wanted to look at Aaron

Aaron looked to me and slightly nodded
I slowly dragged the phone from behind my back and showed him the message

Ranboos eyes widened. His body shaking even more uncontrollably than before
"We need to go. Aaron do you have your car!" He shouted, completely loosing all fear in the man he once was petrified of.


"Grab your car and fucking drive" Ranboo screamed orders
Aaron was almost too stunned to react but he still moved as quickly as he could
The car came shortly after, being whipped around the road to infront Of us

"What are we doing? Where am I going" Aaron asked as Ranboo and I both stumbled into the car

Ranboo quickly typed in an address and aggressively spoke "DRIVE"

Aaron wasted no time.

He drove faster than the speed limit allowed but no one seemed to care, we all knew the urgency even though we didn't know what it was for.

The gps stated that we were here, and as I looked outside we were next to an oldish looking wore down house.
Ranboo wasted no time in getting out the car and hobbling towards the house. Once he got to the door he tried barging into it, in order to open it but it was to no avail.

That's when Aaron and I got out of the car and sprinted towards him. Ranboo moved out of the way whilst Aaron kicked it down in one swoop.

Before I could thank Aaron, Ranboo was once again limping around as fast as he could.
Aaron and I looked at each other as Ranboo moved into one room then to another, without even turning on the lights.

Suddenly, I heard Ranboo shout a name I'd never heard before


My heart stopped, who was Michael
Ranboo not Wilbur had never mentioned anyone called Michael

Then we heard a child like voice return the call

Aaron and I slowly moved towards the voices,
It lead us to just outside a room, the only room with a light on in the house

Inside Ranboo had knelt down, his walking stick discarded to one side of the room.

In his arms was a child, who didn't look any older than 5 or 6

"No, wil's- wil's gone away for a while" Ranboo whispered stroking the back of Michael's head

"When is he coming back" Michael asked, his voice sounding hopeful. Like he was always happy to see such a monster

"I don't think he's coming back... he's got- work to do, so you'll be staying with me for a bit" Ranboo smiled as he looked at Michael

"Is the bad man with you" Michael asked.

Ranboos breath hitched as he looked at the door frame and saw me and Aaron, his eyes lingered on Aaron for a second longer

"He's not a bad man anymore.. but we're not staying with him"

"Where are we staying?" Michael asked

"I don't-"

"With me" I interjected before Ranboo could finish
"You'll be staying with me, and you can play around all you'd like and I'll make sure you get everything you'd want, if Ranboo will let me spoil you that is"

"Tubbo I can't-"

"YAAAY! Are you my new uncle?" Michael asked
"Or my new dad with ranboo?"

I looked at Ranboo whose faces softened into one filled with almost love, he nodded giving me a silent symbol

"I'm gonna be your new dad with ranboo, you can call me tubb-"

"YAYYYY DADA!" Michael cheered and ran to hug my legs, I brushed him off only so I could kneel down and embrace him in my arms

It wasn't long before Ranboo joined in the hug.
This was the start of a new family.
A new chapter


That's the story... at least the first one anyway

I hope you enjoyed and sorry to leave this on a bit of a cliffhanger

Also my next story will be a male reader story and will most likely involve chat noir from miraculous because he's amazing :D
Don't feel pressured to read it if you don't want to

But this story will have a sequel and I'll update this story to tell you when that out.

But I hope you enjoyed abs stay tuned for
What to come

Until next time


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