Party Poppers

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Tubbo pov:

After a long time trying to find an outfit that worked we left to head to George's.

Ranboo was of no use in helping me decide, claiming I looked 'cute' in everything I put on

It wasn't a long walk to George's but throughout the entire time I kept glancing at Ranboo, wanting to grab his hand but I knew I needed to ask first

Ranboo caught my look and smiled
"Is there something on my face?" He joked

"No" I mumbled, looking away in order to hide the blush

"Any reason why you keep looking at me...n-not that I mind" Ranboo added

"I uh- I wanted to hold your hand" I almost requested, my voice chirping towards the end

Ranboo didn't say anything, instead I felt something strong and warm surround my hand

"Of course" he smiled and it caused me to blush

We held hands the entire way to the party and once we got there, the booming music was loud enough to make us deaf

We were surprised anyone heard us knock at the door

"Oh Tubbo. Hey didn't expect to see you here" George smiled then glanced at Ranboo
"You brought a friend" he added then allowed us to enter

George immediately handed us both a drink and I gulped it down instantly whereas Ranboo hesitantly stared at it for a minute before taking a sip.

After a couple of drinks, and games George showed us to the attic of his house

"What's up here?" I asked

George smiled and as he opened the door said "this is where the proper party is"

In the attic were a bunch of people, all seemingly chilled out and taking several hits of joints, a couple of sprinkles of white powder were on the table side and leather belts wrapped around a couple peoples arm

"Feel free to take what you want, I've got a good deal with my guy" George winked then headed back down to the rest of the party

My eyes widened, I had never done drugs before but the alcohol in my system seemed to want to try.

I headed towards one of the tables with pre made joints and lighters, as I was about to light it I glanced at Ranboo.

He was twitching and scratching up his arm through his clothing.
He looked anxious and frightened.

"Ranboo?" I whispered loud enough for him to hear

He didn't respond but I could see his eyes darting from one substance to another, his lips curved up into a smile and back down into a frown on an instant

"Ranboo" I said again but to no avail

"RANBOO" I shouted which finally snapped him out

"Are you ok?" I asked

Ranboo slowly backed away

"I- I.... I need to get out of here!" He exclaimed then ran back downstairs

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