Aaron Price

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Tubbo pov:

"He's he's here... who are you" the doctor replied

"I'm- im Aaron Price. Ranboo's boyfriend and should be on his forms for emergency contact" Aaron almost shouted trying to keep calm.

He never looked at the doctor once. His eyes were fixed on Ranboo.
There was something in his eyes but I couldn't tell what it was.

The doctor however flipped over his board reading the information on ranboos document

"Aah yes... here you are, Aaron price take a seat, I'll go over the details and tell you the option we have at hand... I'd there anyone else we should call to tell them what's happened"

Aaron seemed to wipe his eyes as he walked past me
"No...no it's just me" he stuttered, his voice shaking ever so slightly

The doctor seemed to speak to Aaron with a low whisper.
Low enough so that I couldn't hear it.

It took them a minute, bouncing back and forth on information as Aaron stood up
"There's gotta be another option... I can't- I can't afford that" Aaron said, I looked closer to his face a saw a tear drop
It made my blood boil

"Then I'm sorry Mr Price but then you just have to wait and hope" the doctor sighed
"I'll give you all some time to go over the options" he added before walking out the door

Aaron kneeled down next to the bed, and grabbed ranboo's hand
"Ranboo... sweetie you promised. You told me you'd never do anything like this again" Aaron cried.
Kissing ranboo's hand.

Aaron stroked over his knuckles
"I trusted you, I believed you... just give me a sign this wasn't you. Please"
The drops from Aaron's eyes

"Oh fuck you" I slipped out. Much more aggressively than I intended

Aaron stopped still, he looked stunned then turned around
"W-what are you doing here!" He shouted teeth gritting against each other

"I'm making sure Ranboo stays safe" I returned

"A great job of that you've done!" Aaron spat

"Coming from you! I know what you've done he's told me everything" I retorted getting up from out of my chair and stepping over to him.

He towered over me once he stood up, but I didn't care. Any fair I had was dedicated to ranboos safety.

"Oh really! And what is it he's told you" Aaron asked, his face turning smug

I didn't say anything, instead I pointed at several scars and bruises on his body
"You did that!"
"And that!"
"Not to mention that one!" I screamed, probably loud enough for everyone else to hear

"And don't get me started on those!" I added pointing at the puncture wounds on his arms from repeated use of needles

Aaron stared at me, his face turning from smug to anger. Then finally to sadness
"I know i wasn't the best boyfriend... but I always tried to protect hi-"


Aaron didn't say anything for a while. We were both in silence and I tried to regain my breath

"I've made... mistakes. But I'm going to be better... I promise" Aaron's grip tightened on itself.

"Yeah you've done swimmingly by drugging him once again haven't you!" I growled, my hand bawled into a fist ready to strike at any moment

Aaron looked at me in shock, his legs began shaking and he moved backwards ever so slowly
"You think I did this? You think I would drug him after all he's been through!" Aaron fired back

"You've done it before!" I retorted

"I'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE THAT!" Aaron snapped, placing his hand on my throat

My eyes snapped open in shock as I was dragged to the opposite wall, losing my breath slightly.
Aaron was making it difficult to breath

Aaron realised what he was doing and quickly retracted
"I'm sorry... I'm-im sor-sorry" Aaron choked
"I'm trying to be better... for him" Aaron looked at Ranboo
"I was horrible to him. I know that now, I learnt that when he left... I should've learnt that ages ago, but I never liked him doing drugs.. and one night after a pretty bad hit he promised he would never abuse again... so that's why I refuse to believe he's done anything" Aaron sobbed

"Well he hasn't done anything with me" i huffed

"Weren't you the one at the cafe?" Aaron asked

"Yeah why?" I responded, crossing my arms

"So you know Wilbur" Aaron lead

"Yeah why?"

"Because he's the guy that hit him hooked the first time he did drugs"

I tried to find Wilbur in the room. But he wasn't there.

He hadn't been since Aaron walked in

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