On My Doorstep

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Tubbo pov:

I immediately ran after him, I lost him in the swarm of people but that was mainly due to the fact I couldn't see over any one's head.

So instead I darted from room to room hoping to find him anywhere, I didn't see him but I did manage to find Wilbur

"Wilbur? What are you doing here" I asked

"Oh you know, here for a good time not a lone one. Or whatever the saying is" he laughed

"Oh.. ok then, have you seen Ranboo?" I questioned, trying to make myself heard over the overwhelming music

"Ranboos here?" Wilbur quickly stopped what he was was doing and became very serious

"Yeah we went upstairs and all of the shit spooked him and he ran away" I replied

"Fuck" Wilbur muttered under his breath then began farting around the room
"I'll look around" Wilbur added then left

I continued to walk around the party
'It should not be this hard to find a friendly giant!' I mentally screamed

It got to the point where I lost hope in finding him until George came up to me

"You were with that really fucking tall guy right?" He asked and I nodded
"Well apparently he kinda rushed out of the party, looking like really fucked up so I'm gonna assume he took a lot of shit" George joked

"He didn't take anything, I just- I fucked up" I shouted then ran out of the party myself

"FUCK WHERE COULD HE BE" I screamed as I ran through the streets hoping to spot him anywhere

I went from road to road and there was no sign of him, until I ended up at my street

And then I saw him, sitting outside on my doorstep with his head in his hands and his body shivering

I slowly walked up to him, hoping not to spook him and sat down.

I lightly stroked his back "hey boo... are you ok?" I asked

He didn't respond but his tears began hitting the concrete floor

"I'm so- SO sorry about that... I didn't mean to hurt you like this" I apologised

"It's not your fault" Ranboo quickly replied. His voice sounded corse and sore

"Do you need some water?" I asked then stood up to open the door

"Am I allowed water?" Ranboo asked looking up at me with red eyes from crying

"Of course you're allowed water why wouldn't you be?" I asked which caused Ranboo to look away from me

"Did that guy you were telling me about not let you drink?"

Ranboo shook his head

"Come inside, you need to tell me about this, I'll listen and I promise I won't hurt you at all ok" I whispered reaching out an arm to help him up

Ranboo nodded and stood up, before pulling me into a hug

"Thank you tubbo"

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