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Tubbo POV:

I felt water begin to fall down my cheeks, then gradually dropping down to the floor.

"Wilbur was always there whenever he'd end up with drugs in his system, and he'd always say he was seeing Wilbur when he came home high off his mind" Aaron said
"I wouldn't do this" he was panted a hand on my shoulder

"How- how can I trust you!" I shouted swatting his hand away

Aaron sighed and looked to the side, then back at Ranboo "because I don't want him to end up like this again"
When he looked back at me his eyes held nothing his sadness and sorrow.

I couldn't help but understand him in that moment, he was a dick that much was clear.
But he DID care for Ranboo.

"We need to find Wilbur then" I mumbled and that was all the confirmation Aaron needed before he brushed past me into the hallway of the hospital running towards the elevator.

I stayed in the room, and moved towards Ranboo.

I placed my hand where Aaron's once was, i tightened my grip.
I let go and traced my fingers along the lines in his palms.
"You're hands are so big" I laughed to myself. Choking up on my words.

My hand moved and brushed along his arms, dancing my fingers over the scars. Each on struck my heart a little more.

"I wish I could've met you sooner... then none of this would've happened" I cried

I lowered my head onto his chest and let out tears, I didn't know how much I'd been crying until I raised it again.

His bandages were wet, but still intact. My hand moved to where the bandages were, I could feel the faint beating of his heart, it was soothing in a way.

I hummed a melody, whilst I brushed his hair
"You're so pretty" I whispered

"Remember when we kissed on the dance floor, you vanished when I looked back... I thought you weren't real, because I never thought I could get so lucky... I thought- maybe you were a figment of my imagination, or a dream I couldn't wake up from... but then I found you again, and even though these last few days have been pretty hectic, and I haven't cried more than I am in my life... I still wouldn't change it for the world, you've made me the happiest I've ever been... but I feel like you already know that" I smiled, leaning down to kiss his cheek

Then I heard a loud clap at the door making me jump

"That was all sweet and all, but i don't think he heard any of that" I looked to see where the voice came and saw Wilbur standing in the doorway

"Is it true!" I shouted

"Which part?" Wilbur turned his head

"Did you drug him!" I cried

"Well maybe the first time... but he'd come back begging for more, so it's not my fault he ended up like that" Wilbur smiled

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