Beautiful Nightmares

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Ranboo pov:

I was walking around aimlessly for hours, having no clue where to go.

Each step made my body more fatigued and wary.

Then a thought hit me.

I could go to wilburs.

But that idea quickly got pushed out of my mind by me realising that he was at work.

I didn't particularly want to go to his work looking as messy as I did but I knew it was the best option for me.

I also didn't want to be listening to booming music and seeing people have fun whilst I was in the middle of the end of my life.

I sat down on a bench, and let out a long sigh then sucked in my stomach

"Fine" I muttered to myself then began walking to the club.

The line was long as usual, which I suppose was a good thing for everyone working there but for me it was awful.

Luckily I skipped past the entire line and had a chat with the bouncer

"Ranboo hey. Here to see Wilbur?" He asked

I nodded and gave him as good a smile as I could muster

"Go on in mate" he smiled

I briskly walked past him but quickly said "thanks techno" and made my way into the club

The usual soundtrack was playing, one is grown so familiar with I could sing the rest of the songs without them actually playing.

Then I headed to the bar.

I couldn't see Wilbur but another bartender came over

"What can I get for you?" He chimed, cleaning a glass

"Wilbur please" I replied, looking at him for a brief second and then averting my gaze to the other end of the bar

"I'm afraid he's busy dishing out drinks and flirts, are you his uhhh... partner?" The man asked

I quickly moved my hands and waved them around
"No no no- he's just my best friend that's all"

"Oh well alright then, did you want a drink?" The bartender asked

"Umm I'll take the strongest whiskey you have please"

"Rough day?" The bartender asked and I looked away, trying not to think about it.
I could see the bartenders smile turned to a small frown, I knew he wanted to know what was wrong but at the same time he didn't want to press

"By the bottle of a glass?" He added

"Both please" I responded.

He nodded and walked away, i some him walk towards Wilbur and say something, Wilbur then quickly looked at me and waved and I sent him a brisk shake back

Once the bartender came back he handed me a bottle with the stereotypical whiskey glass.

I reached for my wallet to pay but the bartender interrupted me
"On the house... courtesy of one of our own" he smiled looking over at Wilbur who had his thumbs up

I smiled at him then poured some into my glass

The bartender stayed with me whilst I took a drink, downing the first glass.
The brief burning sensation down my throat tingled.

"A better drinker than I" the bartender said

"I've just had a rough day is all"
"Say what's your name anyway? Since you've been talking to me, and me only since I've sat down" I asked pouting more of the whiskey into the glass

"Well my actual name is clay but my work name and nickname is dream" dream smiled

"That's the second person today I've met with a weird nickname"

"I guess it's just the world these days" dream laughed giving me an almost signature smile

"Shouldn't you get back to work" I said

"Probably, I'll see you around wilburs friend" dream waved and left

"ITS RANBOO!" I shouted hoping he'd hear

I went back to having occasional sips of my drink to the point where half the bottle was drunk and I still felt awful.

Nothing seemed to be helping.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder, as I turned around it took me a moment to see the person completely.

But then I saw their pure angelic skin and sinking eyes and I immediately recognised them.

The angel of my night.

And all felt better.

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