Tell Me

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Hey guys it's I the author

Real quick wanted to say I've been thinking about making an xreader story (probably male)

And I've been tempted to do someone like chat noir cause I'm currently obsessed with that show
But I could also do it for some other characters if that's something that you guys would be interested

Ranboo pov:

When I woke up I sent a text to Wilbur saying I wanted to meet up with him.
He quickly replied telling me a time and a place where we were both free.

I decided it would be best to get up and have a shower but Tubbo remained on my shoulder and the pizza box remained on my lap, only half eaten.

It took a while but eventually Tubbo began stirring awake, and I couldn't look away from his peaceful face when he was in such a deep slumber
And the way his eyes fluttered open made a small shiver roll down my back

"Hey boo" Tubbo mumbled

"Hey Tubbo" I smiled back

Tubbo planted his hand onto my face and reached up to me giving me a quick kiss

"How are you this morning" Tubbo asked beginning to sit up

"I'm good... I told Wilbur to meet me later, I plan on telling him about the- them umm you know" I hesitating but it was enough for Tubbo to understand

"Yeah I do, we'll done for being confident enough to tell him. I'm proud of you" Tubbo smiled and held me close


It was getting towards the time of midday and Tubbo and I started Making a move towards the coffee shop that we were meeting wilbur at

Wilbur was already situated in a booth talking and laughing with one of the workers.

Once we came in and walked up to him wilbur quickly said his goodbyes
"I'll see you later bad, say hi to Zak for me" he waved and the barrister walked off.

"Hey Ranboo. What did you wanna talk about... oh hey Tubbo aswell" Wilbur laughed then ushered towards the seats opposite him and taking a bite.

"I wanted to talk about... Aaron" I began

Wilbur practically choked on his food, people began to stare but Wilbur just smiled and waved them off.

"Does- does Tubbo know about that" Wilbur whispered placing a hand next to his mouth so Tubbo couldn't see

Tubbo scrunched his face in a cute yet annoyed way

"Yeah- yeah I told Tubbo about Aaron... and more" I let out a heavy sigh.
I felt Tubbo's hand grab my bouncing thigh under the table.
My eyes widened and I looked towards Tubbo who had a light smile on his face

"You can do this" he whispered

"I- I think Aaron drugged me" I stuttered out

Wilburs eyes went wider then he thought about it for a moment whilst taking a sip of his coffee

"Right... ok- he-He drugged you. How- why would you say that?" He asked scratching his head

"Well when it first happened was at that party you had where you tried to introduce me to Lionel, then when I woke up in the hospital Aaron was there. And the next few times I was drugged he was always with me" I finalised. Letting out a shakey breath.

Tubbo leaned his head on my shoulder

"Do you need a drink?" Wilbur asked and I nodded slightly
"Tubbo?" Wilbur asked

"Yes please, just a normal coffee" Tubbo replied

"I'll have a decaf please" I requested

Wilbur went off to order our drinks and casually chatting with 'bad' once again whilst he made the drinks.

"You did so well boo" Tubbo whispered and rubbed up against my side

"Thanks tubbo" I smiled

"How do you feel after all of that?" He asked

"I feel better, now that Wilbur knows it's like a weight is off my chest" i beamed

Eventually Wilbur came back with two coffees, planting one in front of me and one in front of tubbo

"There you go guys. Me" Wilbur chimed

We gradually took sips from our drinks for then next few minutes before we heard the bell chime.

"The fuck is he doing here" Wilbur stared

"Who" Tubbo asked

But I was frozen still, and my body refused to move.

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