The Past Hurts

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Ranboo pov:

Tubbo brought me inside his house once again, immediately heading to the kitchen and grabbing me a glass of water.
After he ran upstairs quickly
I was confused for a second but then once he came back down he had a large blanket and wrapped it around me

"Take your time... I know this must be hard" Tubbo whispered then say on the chair opposite me

"Thanks Tubbo" I quickly gulped down half of the water
And my throat still felt sore but that was probably from the sobbing I had been doing prior to Tubbo showing up.

"Well... it- it all started...

1 year ago

'This outfit seemed good enough' I thought to myself  as I looked in the mirror

"See ya buddy I'm heading out" I shouted to my roommate

"Hey hey hold on" he shouted from the opposite room
"Where's my hug?" He smiled

"Always so needy aren't you Charlie" I laughed and wrapped my arms around him

He giggled as well "stay safe"

"Always" I smiled then left


The party was filled with people I knew luckily but there were still some unfamiliar voices.

I immediately rushed over to the party host and brought him into a hug

"Another great party Wilbur" I greeted Wilbur huffed back thanking me

"I've got a couple people for you to meet... one of em's your type" he winked

I just shook my head "you mean gay"

"You betcha" he laughed pointing finger guns at me

He lead me inside and handed me a drink, letting me gulp it down before handing me another then introducing me to some of his friends

"Ranboo this is Lionel" he winked at me
"Lionel meet Ranboo, I'm sure you'll get along" Wilbur smiled then left me there with a complete stranger

"Gay?" He asked and I nodded
"I'm not surprised... everytime a gay guy is a party he throws I always get roped into talking to them" he laughed

"Same" we joked together

"So is finding a werod date or hookup your thing when going to a party?" Lionel asked

"Of course not. I wanna get drunk aswell" I laughed and waved my cup towards him then gulped it down

"Oh wow a heavy drinker I see" Lionel teased

"What do you mean?" I asked tilting my head

"Oh you didn't know? The drinks have got absinthe in instead of just normal beer or vodka" Lionel corrected

My face immediately dropped to a stern one

"You're gonna be fucked" Lionel laughed
"Don't worry I'll look after you"

A couple hours passes and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have another drink after not feeling the affects of the first too

But eventually I couldn't really feel anything or control any of my action.

At some point I saw a man with dark brown hair, hand me over a sharp item and saying some words.
In my drunken state I nodded my head.

I felt my arm be pulled forward and my delve be moved before feeling a sharp pain for an instant.

I panicked but soon after I felt the happiest I ever had in my life, any worries I felt about my state or in the passes blurred away

It stated like that for what felt like forever but when it faded I needed more.

I quickly rushed off of my feet trying to find the same blurry figure and eventually I did. I practically fell on my knees slurring all my words in a language I'm pretty sure wasn't English

So instead I pointed to my arm.
They seemed to get the message because my other arm was then moved and injected into, not too long after the left again then later on once more in the right.

Until suddenly my body began twitching and failing at moving.
I tried to stand and was met by the floor, I couldn't see anything anymore, instead it was just blurry whiteness.

Until I heard beeping from a heart monitor, my eyes finally opened and I could see again, but was greeted with an almost blinding light.

"Where-" I began then immediately stopped and almost screamed at how painful it was to talk. As if a thousand daggers were being impaled  into my neck

"I'd recommend not talking" I heard a woman say to my left.
"You're throat has been damaged for over drinking, a plethora of drugs on the scale that the rest of us are surprised you're still breathing. You're lucky your boyfriend brought you in when he did" she finished

'Boyfriend' I thought then looked to my right assuming to see Lionel, or even Wilbur but instead I saw a boy with somewhat familiar dark brown hair waving at me

I looked back at the nurse and smiled

"Drink plenty of water and take 4 of these a day for a month, only then will you be properly recovered and make sure not to take any drugs ever again. God knows what it will do to you" the woman warned then handed me a box of tablets.

The man to my right grabbed the glass of water and began to pour it into my mouth, I gulped it down as quick as I could but choked ever so slightly but then the man immediately stopped.

I tried to speak again but my throat still hurt

"Need more?" The man asked and I nodded my head

"Ok one second" he moved and headed out of the room, I could hear a tap being turned on.

A few seconds later the man came back out and poured the water back into my mouth

Once I tried to speak, this time it didn't hurt anywhere near as much

"Th-thank you" I muttered

"Don't worry about it"

"You- you saved my life" I replied

"I'm sorry this all happened to you" he said

"What's your name?" I asked taking another gulp of water


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