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Tubbo pov:

"I'd like that very much" Ranboo smiled.

A wave of fresh air seemed to wash over me.

I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding

"O-oh ok... I didn't expect to get this far" I half joked

"Please tell me you didn't rehearse this" Ranboo chuckled making me laugh aswell

"No! Definitely not... I'm not that sad" I snickered

There was a moment of silence once again, filling the invisible void between us

"Why did we do it? Like I wanna say it was just a drunk thing but I- but I felt...something" I admitted, quickly taking another gulp of my drink hoping the alcohol could take away the embarrassment

"You felt something too?" Ranboo asked and my eyes immediately darted back to his

"Yeah it was like... just going on a roller coaster and right before you go down a big drop" I replied

I could see us subconsciously getting closer but neither one of us wanted to mention anything

"Yeah I know what you mean... like a thousand butterflies swarming your stomach" Ranboo grinned

"I've been thinking about it constantly ever since we did it" I whispered part of me hoping he wouldn't hear.
But of course he did

"If I'm being honest... so have I" he admitted
I could see him take a large gulp
"I kinda wanna do it again" Ranboo added

"Do it then" I teased and smiled hoping he would live up to his ambitions

And he did, wrapping one of his arms around my torso and planting the other on my face.
Pulling me closer to him and allowing our lips to connect and it felt like the first time all over again.

An unmissable feeing of pure joy and overwhelming warmth.

I felt untouchable.

I didn't want the kiss to end and apparently neither did he as our lips moved in unison, as if dancing with each other on a dance floor.

Eventually we broke the kiss only so we could breath, but I would've gladly suffocated having that kiss been my last memory.

"Holy hell" Ranboo whispered, resting his forehead onto mine

"Yeah" I replied, still trying to catch my breath
"Wanna get out of here?" I asked, seemingly receiving a boost of confidence from both the alcohol and the kiss

"Yes please" Ranboo breathed

We looked towards Wilbur and gave him a wave before locking our hands together and leaving the club.

I sent Tommy a message saying I was going home, making sure he had no clue I actually found the Prince Charming he'd been teasing me about for the entire day

"I like you're outfit... it's my favourite colours" Ranboo said out of no where

It was enough to make me blush

"Sh-shut up! D-d-did you wanna go to mine or yours" I smiled after stuttering

Without hesitation Ranboo spoke "yours"

I would've mentioned his instant response but I was to overjoyed that I immediately booked a taxi and we made our way to my house.
Still holding hands the entire car ride there.

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