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Tubbo pov:

I watched as Wilbur called the ambulance, it took a while to come, but once it came Ranboo was rushed into the back, already being hooked up to certain machines to control his breathing.

I tried to get into the back but the medics pushed me out.
"Are you family?" They asked
I shook my head

"Then you can see him at the hospital" the medical said as he closed the doors

As the ambulance rushed off once again, I almost fell to the floor. If it wasn't for Wilbur, I would have.

"Is- is he-" I stuttered and Wilbur held me tightly

"Yeah he's gonna be fine Tubbo don't worry, we can head to the hospital if you'd like" Wilbur replied

I nodded, still looking towards where the ambulance had drove. I couldn't see it anymore, it was too far gone.


Once Wilbur took me to the hospital, we waited for over an hour.
But finally a doctor came out

"Is there anyone here for a...Ranboo Ender?" They asked

Wilbur and I stood up simultaneously and said 'yes' once the doctor made his way to us he asked us a serious of questions indicating who we were.

"Right ok. That all checks out... right this way please"
The doctor began walking to an elevator, once we were there he pressed a button moving us to floor 4

We headed out and above us read a sign

I took a heavy gulp and continued to follow the doctor.

We walked into the room and Ranboo was already connected to a machine with a tube down his throat, and a contraption over his chest and stomach

"What happened?" I asked, still feeling the tears dropping down my cheeks already

"It's hard to tell, but we believed he had too many drugs in his system, so much so we had to pump his stomach to them out... but the issue is, the drug was a dissolvent and therefore we had to take out the liquid in his body. So that tube is to put some water back in whilst he's unconscious" the doctor finished

I felt weak at the knees. And I began to wobble and shake.
The doctor pointed towards a seat and I quickly sat down

"Wh-what about wh-wh-when he wakes up" I cried

"He worm whilst he's on that machine" the doctor replied and pointed to a device off to the side

"Is he gonna make it doc" Wilbur said. His voice perfectly calm

"He should be fine" the doctor said

I let out a long sigh, but then the door was pushed open

"IS RANBOO HERE!" A man shouted.

I looked to the door abs saw Aaron stood there. Almost out of breath

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