Here Come The Sun

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Tubbo pov:

My eyes fluttered open, I was back on my bed.

My head pounded bit only slightly however the strangest difference was how much warmer I felt.

My body was almost roasting despite the fact I didn't have a shirt on.

I went to leave my bed but then felt a wait around my torso, as I looked down I saw a long arm holding me against the rest of a body.

Then I remembered everything.
My talking to ranboo, him coming to my house.

Our kiss

Our talk.

I decided instead of getting up I'd turn my body around so I was facing Ranboo, and snuggle closer into his body.

I stared at his sleeping face, he looked so peaceful. So beautiful and I couldn't avert my gaze even if I tried.

After a few minutes I saw Ranboo stirring awake and then his eyes slowly open.

"Morning handsome" I smiled and bopped his nose

"Good morning cutie" Ranboo replied and I instantly blushed

"How's you sleep" I whispered, slowly leaning into the crook of his neck.
I felt Ranboo shiver as my breath touch him

"One of the best sleeps I've ever had actually" Ranboo said, one of his hands moving to stroke my hair

Then he kissed the top of my head "thank you"

"Don't thank me boo, I'm as happy as you are" I smiled

"That's another think I've forgotten to ask about... boo?" He asked and I removed my head from his neck to look at him

"It's your new nickname, cause Ranboo shortened can't be ran so instead it's boo" I smiled

We shared a giggle and then Ranboo stared into my eyes again

"Can I kiss you" he asked his voice dropping to an early morning one and it made my body shiver in the best way

"Of course. Please" I breathed out and then our lips once again connected.

We quickly got into rhythm with each other, and before we knew it the kiss turned into a make out session that was only broken because we heard a knock at the door.

"Shit" I spoke breaking the kiss

"What's wrong?" Ranboo asked

"That's probably tommy, asking why I left so early last night" I replied

"I should probably let you get that but I don't wanna let go" Ranboo smiled tightening his grip on me.

"I'll only be a minute" i pecked his lips and he loosened his grip letting me leave to go to the door

Once I finally got there and unlocked the door I didn't even have chance to twist the handle before Tommy walked in

"Where did you go last ni- why don't you have a shirt on, and why are you out of breath?" Tommy asked pointing at me

"I ran to the door and it was- it was a hot night" I replied

Tommy stared at me emotionlessly "Tubbo... it's the middle of winter"

I began to turn red and back away nervously "haha what? Umm global warming is crazy it's ju- it's so hot" I stuttered wafting my hand towards my face

"Uh huh... did you find you're boyfriend... or get laid" he asked


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