Descent Into Madness

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Ranboo pov: (still in the past)

It took a couple weeks until I got allowed to leave the hospital, Aaron remained there throughout the entire time.

Whenever he would come we'd continue to get closer and closer and not before long his boyfriend story he told the nurse was beginning to become true.

Occasionally Wilbur would visit me and of course Charlie.

But everytime Wilbur would be here, him and Aaron would talk outside the room before seeing me, I found it odd but kept it quiet.

Once I was allowed out of the hospital I spent a couple nights at my apartment with Charlie. Regularly cuddling with him whilst eating food and watching a movie.
But then I slowly began making regular visits to Aaron's house.

Until one day when he opened the door and immediately pulled me in for a kiss.

It was rough but somewhat meaningful.

Then we started dating. I spent day after day there until eventually I just moved in with him.

And things felt perfect.
Until nights when he would come home tired from work, or overly drunk to the point that he couldn't recognise who I was.

That was when the abuse happened.

"FUCK SAKE!" He screamed as he walked through the door

I immediately ran over to him "what's wrong?" I asked

"Some shit stole my drink then when I fought him for it I was deemed to drunk to have any more. AND THE FUCKERS KICKED ME OUT"

"I'm sure you can find a new bar" I said meekly

"YOU DUMB FUCK I WANT THAT BAR! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LIKE THAT ONE" he screamed at me and I was so scared that a tear fell.

And then another

Until I was full on crying

"I'm sorry" I replied

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU CRYING" he shouted again and I wiped my eyes but the tears kept coming

"I'm sorry" I repeated

"AND WHY THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP APOLOGISING!" He shouted again raising his fist

"I-" I chocked on my words, forcing myself to not say it again

But then I felt a sharp pain to the side of my head, I placed my hand from where the pain was coming fro man's I didn't even realise I'd been knocked onto the floor.

"Yo-you hit me" I whispered, almost in shock

"You were fucking asking for it! FUCK!.. I'm going to bed. You sleep on the couch I don't wanna see you for the rest of the night" Aaron finally said, stomping up the stairs to our-
His bedroom

I situated myself on the couch and put my knees to my chest wrapping my arms around them.
I slowly rocked back and forth crying into my arms then falling over onto the bed.
Allowing myself to cry myself to sleep.

Over the next few weeks I'd be invited out with Aaron and some of his friends, including Wilbur.

Unfortunately every night went the same.

I'd be peer pressured into drinking, then at some point in the night a needle would end up in my arm.

Then in the morning Aaron would shout at me for it, despite the fact by now I knew he was the one doing it.
The same dark brown hair everytime with the same jumper than Aaron would wear.

But he'd blame me for taking the drugs, and I knew he was right. Allowing myself to get drunk then high on whatever substance I could find.

Until Aaron strapped me down onto his bed. Forcing me to get all the drug's out of my system.

Eventually I had to ask at any point when I wanted food or water because I couldn't move.

And Aaron would decide if I deserved it or not, and I couldn't argue with him.

Then the bearings only got worse. And I ate less, drank less.
It wasn't long before all I was, was just skin and bones.

I felt so weak and I knew I was. Always bending at Aaron's will


"And then eventually I snapped, and ran away. Hoping to find you at that club" I finished smiling at Tubbo as best I could

When I finally looked at him he'd been crying just as much as I had. His carpet was beginning to drown.

"C-c-can I hug you... please. I need it as much as I think you do" he cried and I nodded

Was the last thing I said before I felt a tight but comfortable hug surround my body.

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