Home is a hell spawn

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Ranboo pov:

When I woke up I looked at the clock instinctively.
I didn't have work today so I could relax

That was until I read listed I wasn't home.
Instead I was in wilburs apartment.

Aaron would be expecting me home by 11 this morning.
Instead I overslept and now it was 1 in the afternoon.
I rushed out of bed and threw on the same clothes as last night then sprinted outside.

I ran to the bus stop only To miss it, then I had to run even further.

By the time I got back to the house it was 2:30.

I turned the key slowly, hoping to not make a sound and once the door clicked I opened the door and tip toed inside.

There was no sign of Aaron which comforted me, so I let out a sigh of relief.

I closed the door and strolled towards the living room but the second I entered I felt a sharp pain to my head knocking me over.


My head landed on where I felt the pain pulsing from.

"I'm s-sorry I overslept that's all" I muttered trying to get back up but instead I was kicked in my stomach

"BULLSHIT! YOU WENT FOR DRINKS DIDNT YOU!" He screamed, repeatedly punching me.

"Only one I promise!" I retorted

"SO YOU LIED TO ME!" Aaron exclaimed.

He picked me up by my collar and through me against the wall then proceeded to pin me against it

His hand landed on my throat and it squeezed so hard I couldn't breath
I try to take his arm of me but it was no use

"P-pleas" I managed to stutter out then he finally let go once a year fell onto his arm.

I collapsed to the ground and coughed up blood.

"I'm hungry! Make me food" Aaron growled and I moved as quickly as my body would allow towards the kitchen and started preparing the best food I could find.

"We're running low on ingredients" I said to Aaron

I heard Aaron groan from the other room
"For fuck sake... fine I'll be back in half an hour. Don't go anywhere" he shouted from another room, presumably going to get his coat.

I heard the door slam shut and I let out another sigh, then I broke down. Dropping to my knees and walking on the floor, I felt pathetic

I am pathetic

I debated calling Wilbur but I know he's been through to much already so I didn't want to burden him with my problems... again.

I cried so much I started coughing, then the blood came back. It began to stain the floor.
Once I noticed I quickly got some cleaning supplies and tried my best to clean the floor, but it wasn't good enough for when Aaron got back.

But it wasn't. He came back and saw me brushing and scrubbing away at the floor. Then he pushed my face into the stains


I tried to tell him I was sorry but I couldn't talk due to the force on my neck


I did as I was told and made some pasta for Aaron, adding some fruit and vegetables on the side in case he wanted any.

Then I went to my room and laid in bed.
A couple hours passes, and Aaron finally came and joined me in bed, he looked drowsy and sloppy. Slurring his words and struggling to walk.

I couldn't tell if he was drunk or on drugs.
Or both

Once he got into bed he moved close to me and wrapped his arm around my torso dragging me closer to him, then he slowly kissed my back lightly

"I love you darling" he muttered into my back

"I-I-I love you too" I stuttered back, trying to hold the tears from seeping into the bedding

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