Club Kisses

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Ranboo pov:

"Woah woah... hold on!" Wilbur repeated waving his arms and pushing the air down
"You kissed a guy!"

I didn't say anything, I just nodded my head sporadically and almost childishly

"And it wasn't Aaron?" Wilbur asked

The mention of his name quickly broke me.
He was right, it wasn't Aaron.
What would he do if he found out.

I began to shake and almost retreat into the crowd
"Don't tell him please!" I exclaimed

Wilbur patted my shoulder and smiled
"I'm not gonna tell anyone anything, this is better for you. You Jess to leave that good for nothing sack of shit"

I vaguely smiled at him, but then continued to stare at my feet

"Bu-but he's my boyfriend I- I cheated on him" I stuttered

"Ranboo!" Wilbur shouted grabbing my attention and snapping me out of the chewing of my lips I unconsciously began doing.
He placed his hands on my shoulders, then held my hand dragging me through the crowd to the staff room.

I'd grown familiar to this place because of a number of breakdowns.
It had lovely white walls and vague decorations. It was calm but peaceful

"I need you to listen to me" Wilbur almost cooed and sat infront of me

I nodded my head in response

"You need to leave Aaron, find someone new. Now tell me about this new boy" Wilbur smiled

"But without Aaron I-"

"Be dead, I know you've said that before, never told me why but I'll let you tell me in you're own time. Just for now... tell me about the guy you kissed"

I thought back to only about ten minutes ago. But it felt like so long, I wanted to see him again,

"He's cute... like really cute, he's shy but seems like the energetic type. I think he had brown eyes but it was dark and he closed them quickly when I kissed him. His hairs puffy and dark, and his skin looks so pure and angelic" I ranted of without taking a breath

"Ok slow down mr loverboy... he sounds nice, well he sounds cute. I don't know about his personality yet" Wilbur laughed

"I kinda wanna see him again... is that bad" I asked twiddling with my thumbs underneaths the table

Wilbur quickly rushed to defend me
"No no no. It's nice, GREAT even I'd rather you pursue this guy then stay with Aaron"

I stayed quiet but then looked at the clock

"When do you finish?" I asked meekly

"I'm about half an hour. Did you wanna stay over?" Wilbur asked

I responded with another nod, as he went back to the floor I stopped him by grabbing his hand

"Can I stay in here whilst you finish your shift?" I asked

Wilbur smiled and tilted his head slightly
"Of course"


Once Wilbur finished his shift he met me once again in the staff room and we walked together to his car.

There wasn't really a word spoken between us, just a comfortable silence.

Soon we got to wilburs apartment, and once I walked it I realised it was messy but not nearly as messy as it usually is

"Surprised you don't have a girl round" I laughed

"Come on man you know I'm not like that!" Wilbur spoke back

"You used to be" I teased and Wilbur simply went a brighter shade of red then threw a pillow at me

"You know where the bed is" he grumbled then went into his bedroom

"Thanks Wilbur" I said, he walked over to me and hugged me

"Of course. You're my best friend"

Once I entered the room I dropped onto the bed and fell asleep instantly

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