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Tubbo pov:

"What the fuck Wilbur! I- I thought you were his friend" I shouted standing up from my seat

"But Tubbo... I am his friend, I always got whatever he begged for. And I'd let him off occasionally if he didn't have the money" Wilbur tilted his head

He started moving towards me.

I backed away only as far as the bed Ranboo laid on, I almost tripped over but Wilbur caught me by the collar

"Don't fall now, especially not into my top client" he smirked

I regained my balance and swatted his hand off of me

"The fuck is wrong with you!" I growled

"I already told you... besides it wasn't me that constantly wanted more" Wilbur added

My eyes darted from Ranboo to Wilbur
"He- he wouldn't do that... he's not like that" I retorted

"Oh and you know him do you? You've known him for all of two days am I right?"

"That doesn't matter! He was so against it! He told me how much he hated it... how he hated Aaron- but it was you! So why would he not hate you" I screamed, I could feel my voice become sore.

"Well... what do you think he did every time that bastard hit him. He'd call me, he'd send me a text saying he needed to 'ease his mind' so I'd help him out. Like the friend I am" Wilbur sat down on a chair next to mine

I wanted to sit down, I wanted to run away, I felt sick to my stomach but I couldn't leave Ranboo... who knows what he'd do

"But-but why did you do it the first time... you- you said that it wasn't his choice!" I shouted

"Oh at that party? Yeah that wasn't his choice... but for fuck sake he was pissing me off!" Wilbur slowly shouted

It was frightening and made me jump

"Wh- why what did he do" I questioned, hesitantly

"He was constantly complaining about his fucking love life... that because he was a fag no one would love him! So at every conceivable opportunity I set him up with someone and it would never fucking work... so instead I got him extremely drunk on shit he's never heard off, then decided to dose him when he was too gone to say no... and then he found Aaron so everyone was a winner" Wilbur beamed

He seemed so cheerful and full of pride

"Well clearly he's not a fucking winner! Look at him!" I screamed once again at the top of my lungs

"I have no idea what you're talking about... he wanted to be like this, he told me to give him some today" Wilbur joked

"The fuck are you talking about" I gritted my teeth, my fists bawled up so hard the knuckles were white

But then Wilbur pulled out his phone and I saw the messages from Ranboo

Hey Wilbur can I meet you today I need to talk to you

Sure buddy what do you want to talk about

It's just something really important... and I was hoping I could have that fix?

Of course man, how much do you want

Enough to make me better

I was mortified, I couldn't believe my eyes.

My pupils fell to Ranboo, his chest still softy rising and falling.

"He...wanted this?" I cried
"Why" I added, not particularly asking anyway

"Well" Wilbur slapped his knee and stood up "beats me, but I've gotta head off"

I still stood there shocked as I heard the door click shut

"Ranboo why?"

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