In the Club

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Tubbo pov:

The music was constantly booming.

I'd been here for hours and it was beginning to hurt my ears but I was determined to stay.

There was no sign of the tall Prince Charming but I hadn't lost hope yet.

"Are you going to get something proper to drink or is it going to be another glass of water" a voice said from behind me

I turned around and it was the same bartender that had served me all night

"Nope, just a water please" I smiled

"Are you the designated driver or something?" The bartender said as he grabbed a glass and filled it with ice

"Nope ok just looking for someone and I'd rather be sober this time" I replied smiling at the man

"Was it like a drunk fuck and you wanna see them again?" The bartender joked handing over the glass

"Nope, just a kiss" I beamed taking a sip and remembering the kiss

"Wait wait wait! You guys didn't even have sex and you're here looking for them like a desperate ex?" The bartender laughed

"Hey! I just- I feel something there you know?" I stuttered

"Yeah sure kid. She better be real cute" the man smiled

"He. Actually" I corrected
I didn't even think about what I was saying, it just slipped out

The bartender stared at me for a minute and for that entire time I thought I was going to be laughed at, or refused service or something

But instead he just smiled.
"Well then. HE better be real cute" he spoke

"He is. Really tall aswell" I added

The bartender gave me a quick questioning look

Then he put his hand out
"My names wilbur, what's yours? Since you've been getting drinks all night with the same bartender I think I should at least know your name" Wilbur said

I shook his hand and smiled
"I'm Tubbo"


Another hour passed and I received a text from tommy
Have you found him yet

I replied telling him no,
But then tommy said

You need to get home tubs, it's getting late you can always try again on a different day

I didn't want to leave.
But I knew Tommy was right

I decided to have one more walk around the dance floor.
Hoping that I could see him.
But it was no use, there was no sign of him.

As I brushed past a couple more people one grabbed my arm
"Hey cutie, can I have your number"

I tried to shrug him off but it didn't work, his grip was too strong
"No" I said assertively

"Aww come on, you know you want to" he smiled and I cringed at his words.

I felt sick to my stomach
I refused again, and tired to punch at his arm in hopes he'd let go but that didn't work either

"Oi stop fucking around baby, give me your number" the man growled.

I closed my eyes and looked away trying to move away but once again he held me back.

But in a flash the grip was removed from me, as I looked up I saw the guy on the floor and next to him wilbur

"You ok Tubbo?" He asked

"Much better now" I smiled meekly

"Come on, I'll take to to the staff room, you can calm down there" Wilbur placed a hand on my back and slowly moved his way through the crowd

Once I entered the staff room I sat down and Wilbur walked over "here's your signature water sir" he laughed and handed me a glass

"Thank you. Thank you so much" I whispered, taking a sip

"I take it you didn't find your Prince Charming on the dance floor?" He asked

I shook my head

"Can you tell me what you remember about him, I'm here most nights so I might've recognised him" Wilbur smiled

"Well he's- he's adorable, I think he had blonde hair, but darkish blonde and his eyes... they're so pretty" I thought back to the look of him and I couldn't get the image out of me mind

"I don't think he's a regular... sorry" Wilbur apologised

"Don't be sorry, I knew this whole night was a long shot. Thank you though" I smiled

"Anytime... in fact if you're ever here when I'm working, come find me and I'll give you access to the staff room alright"

"Thanks wilbur"

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