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Ranboo pov:

I watched as Aaron slowly manoeuvred his way around the cafe, stopping by the tills preparing to order.
He darted his eyes across the cafe, finally landing on the booth I was sitting at.
I quickly hid behind the booth, clinging onto Tubbo for dear life.

"Wilbur?" I heard Aaron say.
Wilburs eyes looked at me and then back to Aaron

"The fuck are you doing here!" Wilbur returned standing up and heading over

"What do you-"

"Get the fuck out" Wilbur growled

The rest of the conversation was a blur, only noise.

My breathing rapidly increased and my vision became foggy.

I felt a hand begin to stroke my head abs then the soft voice of tubbo saying my name
"Ranboo it's gonna be ok. Look at me" Tubbo cooed

I slowly moved my eyes to look into his
"Just look at me.
There you go.
I'm here
Just me. It's me and you ok?
Just breath, copy me"

Tubbo began breathing in and out slowly
I attempted to copy him, allowing my breathe to slow down

"There you go, you're doing so well" Tubbo whispered stroking at my head.

I let out a soft smile then Tubbo stood up
"You wait here, I just need to talk to Wilbur"

I didn't want to panic again. But I didn't want Tubbo to leave

So I watched from behind the booth as Tubbo walked over to Wilbur, who was still with Aaron.

Tubbo pov:

Wilbur was whispering with the guy who I presumed to be Aaron

He looked stupid
He looked ugly
I hated the sight of him

"Aaron I assume" I said sternly. Walking up next to him with Wilbur who quickly turned to me and stepped infront

"Wilbur...the fuck is this?" Aaron asked pointing to me

"He's-he's a new friend" Wilbur replied

I wanted to tell him who I really was, who I was to ranboo.
But I don't want Aaron to know Ranboo was here.

"And what's his name" Aaron deadpanned

"It's Tubbo!" I shouted my hand bawling into a fist

"And what do you want little man" Aaron joked

"I want you to fucking leave. You're not welcome here" I growled

"Actually I-" he began but was cut off by Wilbur

"Actually he's right you need to leave"

Aaron stared in shock for a minute
"I'm having a fucking drink before I go"

"No you need to go now!" I shouted squaring up to Aaron

He grabbed me by the collar and attempted to throw me against a wall but Wilbur got in between us and pushed Aaron away,
As he stumbled back he lost balance and fell over

"Get out" Wilbur warned.

Aaron stood up and spat on the floor towards my feet Then finally left.

Once he had completely gone from the cafe Ranboo rushed out from the booth and fell on his knees infront of me pulling me into a hug

"Are you ok! Did he hurt you? I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry please forgive me!" He cried

I held him close and tight resting my head on his shoulder
"You didn't do anything wrong boo, and I'm not hurt. And I could never be mad at you" I said

There was a brief moment of silence
"Can I kiss you please" Ranboo asked

I didn't have to respond but instead I cupped ranboos cheek and Leaned in for a kiss.

It lasted at least a minute and once it was over I looked up to where Wilbur was standing

"At least save the pda for when you're not on the floor yeah?" Wilbur joked and Ranboo and I laughed

Once Ranboo stood up again he began to wobble
"Boo you ok?" I asked

"Huh? Yea-yeah I'm fi-" Ranboo stopped talking as his eyes closed and he collapsed onto the floor.

I rushed over to him and shouted at Wilbur to call the ambulance, that's when he instantly got his phone out and dialled the number.

Whilst I held Ranboo close, checking his pulse making sure he was still breathing.
He was
But only faintly

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