Dark Halls

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Tubbo pov:

Admittedly once we got out of the cab we stumbled a bit down the pathway to my house.

It was nothing we didn't laugh about, almost profusely.

Then in a moment of pure mindlessness I stoped walking and just gazed at him.
Since he was right next to me I had to tilt my back almost to look up

I could see a faint blush begin to spread on his face
"What?" He asked tilting his head

I didn't respond, instead I just smiled

"WHAT" Ranboo whined and it made me giggle

"I just... you're so pretty" I told him.

The faint red blush now painted his face the same colour
And he almost tuck his head into his shoulders like a turtle

It made me laugh even more
"Sh-shut up" he stuttered

"I don't wanna hold back the truth Ranboo" I replied, saying ranboo's name just made me feel better, I couldn't explain the feeling.

Finally we made it into my house and o offered a drink, both of us deciding on a coffee which I quickly brewed then brought to him.

I grabbed his free hand and slowly dragged him up the stairs to my bedroom where I quickly switched on the tv and turned on any anime that came on firsts

We gradually took sips of coffee, sitting next to each other, my head resting on ranboos shoulder occasionally we would look at each other then giggle like little school girls.

Once a couple episodes past and we both finished our coffee, we realised that coffee probably wasn't the best idea to drink before sleep.

I continued to laugh over stupid things, like the coffee or something that happened in the anime but throughout the entire time Ranboo just stared at me

"Is there something on my face?" I asked tilting my head towards him

"No, you're just... adorable" Ranboo whispered, as if hiding his voice from everyone but me in an empty room.

My breath hitched hearing his voice then he leaned closer so our foreheads were touching once again

"Can I kiss you?" He asked

I let out a soft laugh "you don't have to ask boo"

"I feel like I do" he replied and my heart felt impossibly warmer

"So... can I" he repeated

"Yes please" I responded and that was all the persuading he needed before he locked my lips into his.
This is where I wanted my life to be forever.

In a comfortable bed with a person I knew I was falling for at a scary rate.

I felt ranboos arm wrap around me once more and I felt hot.
Too hot.

So I began taking off my outfit, only a couple layers so that I didn't boil on my own bed

But Ranboo followed, taking of his shirt leaving his body bare.
But I didn't focus on that, instead I went back to his face. Holding it between my hands and pulling it close to me once again. Locking our lips once more.

Eventually when the kiss broke I stared into his eyes, and he reciprocated the look. Until my eyes wandered down his body.

But that shattered my heart


What are these bruises from?"

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