Sweet dreams

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Ranboo pov:

My eyes shot open, and as I turned in shock I could feel the pool of swear beneath me.

That same nightmare coming back to haunt me, I suppose it's not so much a nightmare as it is a devilish memory.

I slowly got out of bed, the sharp pains in my body reminding me of the events of yesterday. All the mistakes I did to warrant a punishment.

"Get back to bed... I didn't say you could leave" I heard Aaron mumble, still half asleep

I slowly turned around to him "I-I've got work today" I stuttered, pulling at each of my fingers as a way to avoid the fear I was obviously showing

"Call in sick" Aaron staged sternly

"If I do that one more time my boss said he'd fire me" I began to cry, hoping, even praying that Aaron would actually let me leave

There was a moment of silence
"Fine... but make sure you cover up those hideous bruises" Aaron yawned

I did as I was told, rushing towards the bathroom getting whatever supplies I needed and began applying it to my face and body, even if I wouldn't show much skin I wanted to be sure.

I was actually surprised Aaron let me off and allowed me to go into work.

I left the house before Aaron could change his mind, and I quickly got onto the bus.

I got a few weird looks from a couple of different passengers but I simply put my glasses on and pretended they weren't there.

Once I got into work I quickly clocked in, and got to work.

The hours dragged by, each one feeling longer than the last.

My boss would regularly come over to check on my work, giving me extra things to do and simply assuming I would do it.
But I couldn't complain, I needed this job.

Eventually the clock struck 3 and I quickly sat up and went into the staff room.

I didn't even have any food to eat, but I just sat in there and waited. Allowing myself to go on my phone for the 30 minutes o was allocated to break.

My stomach growled and I held it, in an attempt to hide the noises as another employee came in.

"You good man?" He asked

I turned and held in my breath, I knew it would be shakey so I simply nodded
Then my stomach betrayed me and growled

"Dude haven't you got something to eat?" He asked

I shook my head but then whispered out
"It's fine, I'm not that hungry"

"Dude you're stomach is the loudest thing in the office... then again the office is quiet as fuck" the man joked

"Here have this" he added, sliding me over a cold burrito

"I-I can't I'm fine" I stuttered trying to push it away but the arm overpowered me

"I've got plenty, just take it" the man said smiling and taking a seat next to me

"Thank you" i muttered out

"Don't mention it pal" the man smiled and patted my back
It took all my strength not to let out a noise and even then I'm not sure it worked

"What's you're name?" He asked and I replied "Ranboo"

The man moved his hand and offered it to me "I'm nick. But people call me sapnap, it's kind of an inside joke"

I lowered my mask enough to be able to eat the food, hoping that no makeup came off, as I scoffed down the burrito I rushed to put my mask back on in an attempt to hide any possible visible bruises from sapnap.

He gave me a weird look and I rushed to leave.

The rest of the work day continued to dragged and I was forced to stay longer than I expected.

I gave Aaron a text but instead of a response he called me, asking to speak to my manager. For proof.

And only then did Aaron let me stay.

When I finished I waited at the bus stop for 10 minutes for my bus. Contemplating if it was actually worth it to go back home.

When the bus came, the driver looked at me whilst I stared into nothingness.

"You getting on kid?" The man asked.

Instead of answering on pure impulse I shook my head and walked off.

I felt happy, almost relived.

But I knew after this I couldn't go home again.

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