Ocean Eyes

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Tubbo pov:

I practically hurdled over the cheer infront of me and in between the bed and I.
Accidentally slapping tommy as I moved.

"Ranboo?" I almost shouted tapping at the bed, trying not to connect with his body

His eyes tightened and I could see the ripple move along his skin

"Ranboo" I said slightly longer.
My body was tingling everywhere. I couldn't contain both my excitement and fear for if anything was wrong.

The same deep groan was heard as ranboos eyes slowly opened then squinted at the bright light beaming down at him.

I rushed to the other side of the room and switched the main light off, then turned the bedside light on

Ranboos eyes opened once again, this time they remained open although slimly

"...Tubbo..." Ranboo groaned

I reached my hand out to grab his, the hand immediately tightened around me
"I'm here boo, I'm here" I smiled. Trying my best to not let the tears in my eyes spill

"What- what happened?" Ranboo asked, his voice corse and raspy

"You-you overdosed apparently... well that's what the doctors said" I sighed, looking at his arms seeing the marks from all the needles, constantly thinking back to Wilbur

"Is this a dream?" I asked randomly
I saw ranboo's eyes look towards me

"What?" He asked

"Is this a dream" I repeated

"I-I don't think so, I doubt I would overdose in your dream... at least I'd hope not" Ranboo chuckled but quickly stopped, probably because of the pain.

"Why Ranboo?" I asked.
My hands loved to my knees clenching against my palm, I could feel my knuckles turning white.

"What?" Ranboo, his voice stammered, he almost sounded scared without having any reason to be.

"The drugs Ranboo. You didn't tell me that Wilbur was your supplier, you didn't tell me you became ad-addicted by choice...you didn't tell me that you wanted to overdose INFRONT OF ME AT A FUCKING CAFE" I screamed at the top of my lungs, not caring if the doctors or nurses heard.
Tommy stood there stunned. His mouth agape and his eyes plastered wide open.

"I-Tubbo I- please... you need to listen-"

"DONT TELL ME TO FUCKING LISTEN! I listened when you were telling me about that party. I listened when you told me about the abuse! I've done my listening! But it was nothing but lies" I growled, my teeth gritting so hard it became audible

"I never wanted to-" I cute Ranboo off once again

"Never wanted to what!? Overdose? Do it in the first place? WHAT RANBOO WHAT!"

"TO HURT YOU!" Ranboo screamed back, he turned to the side away from me and began coughing, when I looked at his bed sheets after I saw small blood splatters on the silk

"I- I know I love you Tubbo. I can feel it with all my heart. I just... I didn't want you to deal with what I thought I needed, I would become a burden, a curse... a toxin. So I thought if I left-....permanently it would be better than prolonging the inevitable" Ranboo spoke, his voice starting firm but becoming soft and turning into a whisper.

I grabbed, his hand. I held it tight.
Like he was on the edge of a cliff and was about to fall.

"Ranboo I fell for you too quick. No matter how you would leave I would be broken... I just hoped it would be together at an old age with our kids looking after us" I cried

"Tubbo I- I'm so sorr-" Ranboo broke off into a sob, his head leaning towards me.

I moved my arm to wrap around his neck softly. And I leaned forward "don't be sorry...be safe. Be better... be mine" I whispered and leaned closer to him

Our lips brushed against each other

"I want you in my life Ranboo" I whispered

"And I want to be there" Ranboo replied moving his head, to close the gap but I backed away

"If you kiss me now... that means you'll allow me to help you... with everything, not just the drugs but life in general, I'll be yours and you'll be mine" I whispered

"I accept" Ranboo muttered

"Good" I smiled
"Can I kiss you?" I whispered to him, stroking his cheek slightly, wiping a tear.

"Please" Ranboo smiled

I finally learnt forward, connecting our lips, the spark ignited within me, the lightning bouncing off of our lips. The minor taste of blood yet the natural sweetness of his lips, I hoped that I was the only thing Ranboo would be addicted to from this moment forward.

We drew apart and stared into each other's eyes, his grey yet pale eyes, which reminded me of a stormy ocean.

"Hi. I'm Tubbo" I smiled

"Hey Tubbo. Im Ranboo" he returned

I stepped back slightly
"Let me try again, this time more accurate" I winked and spun around

Once I was facing Ranboo again I put my hand out
"Hey sexy" I smirked

"I- uh- wha- what- huh" Ranboo stuttered, clearly flustered and bright red

I looked around the room and noticed Tommy was still there, watching the entire thing
"Shit! We're not alone- fuck!" I cursed

"No no it's fine... I'll just... go" tommy slowly backed away out of the door and I giggled slightly

"I love that laugh you know" Ranboo said from behind me

"Well you'll hear it a lot more" I smiled

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